TEDx Talks: Jonah Bernstein Talks About Music In Second Life

I saw a post on the official forums from Turnbuckle Jornsburg, the post can be read here. Now I was a bit wary of the link, as it’s a shortened one for a start and nobody had replied to the post. The post itself says:

Hey there’s a new vid up on TEDx with a guy performing both live and in a cafe in Second Life.

Now I was intrigued, so I found the TEDx website, with their mission goal of Ideas Worth Spreading. There was nothing obvious on the main page but there was link to the TEDx youTube channel. There I found a video entitled: Music in Second Life: Jonah Bernstein (feat. Lulu Healy) at TEDxHalifax.

The video starts with Jonah talking about being a thirty four year old synth pop musician with a day job and how this is a problem because he can’t pack his music gear into his car and go playing all over the country and then he reveals a partial solution, after discovering Second Life.

He explains how Second Life is where you create a slightly better looking avatar than yourself and meet better looking people. Now I must admit that I have no idea how old this video is, the viewer shown in the video looks like an old one but the video was only published on TEDx today, so maybe it’s an old one just put up or maybe it’s a newer one. However that’s not the point really, the talk on usage of Second Life for music and marketing is still relevant.

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