Immersive Edge A Hypergrid Story Launches In OpenSim This Weekend

This weekend sees the launch of Immersive Edge, A Hypergrid Story. I initially took a look at this project a week or so ago; OpenSim Storytellers Are Developing Some Impressive Storytelling Techniques. The launch covers more than just introducing people to Immersive Edge, there will also be presentations from writers and designers regarding techniques and tools that can be used in bringing immersive fiction to virtual worlds utilising OpenSim.

Some of the techniques will also be good for other virtual worlds, but OpenSim has made some great leaps and bounds in making it easier for people to create immersive fiction than other platforms. Let’s take a look at the presenters for the launch, or more accurately, let’s take a look at Nara Malone’s blog post introducing us to the presenters; Meet the Presenters for Immersive Edge Launch.

Sande Chen

Sande Chen is a writer and game designer. Her writing work includes 1999 Independent Games Festival winner Terminus and the 2007 PC RPG of the Year, The Witcher. Sande was also nominated for a Writers Guild Award in Videogame Writing for The Witcher.

Sande is the co-author of Serious Games: Games That Educate, Train, and Inform and a contributor to Writing for Video Game Genres, Professional Techniques for Video Game Writing, and Secrets of the Game Business.

Sande was profiled as one of the top 100 most influential women in the game industry back in 2006 for her work as Director of Girls in Games, Inc. On top of that, Sande was nominated for a Grammy Nomination in 1996 for music video direction.

So that’s quite an impressive bio I’d say! Sande will be speaking on Sunday November 8th at 9:00am SLT. The title of Sande’s presentation is : “How Technology is Changing Storytelling”.
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The Hypergrid Stories Project – Interacting With The Fiction

Nara Nook

Nara Malone greets me as I return to Nara’s Nook to start my quest on The Hypergrid Stories Project. Nara recognises that I’m a Hypergrid noob and tells me that if I want to keep my clothes on during this journey, I’m going to have to pack a suitcase. This troubles me but Nara simply explains that if I haven’t got a folder in my inventory entitled “My Suitcase”, then I need to make one and drag my worn items into said folder. This is how you keep your clothes when you travel to a different Hypergrid region. So suitcase duly packed I follow Nara.

Hypergrid Stories

Next up Nara points out the books and poetry offerings and almost dares me to walk through one. I hesitate but I’m not one to shy away from a challenge. I walk into Dear Charlie, a story by Tina Glasneck, who recently wrote about the project at Hypergrid Business. Without clicking anything, I’m teleported. However at this stage I haven’t left Greyville Writer’s Colony. However this soon changes.

I’m greeted with chat :

Dear Charlie,    You can’t change a monster into a man and I should have known that when Otto walked into the club and smiled at me.    [please proceed to Red Light Club in the provided teleporter]  [1 of 21]

Walking into said teleporter and again without having to click to teleport, I find myself in the mysterious universe of Hypergrid travel. I arrive safely at my destination and my suitcase was indeed packed, as I am still fully clothed. Phew!

Continue reading “The Hypergrid Stories Project – Interacting With The Fiction”


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