SL10B Bear Takes A Hazardous Journey

Hazardous Bridge

I was looking for a place for my SL10B Bear Avatar to visit, so I decided to visit The Destination Guide and check out the Photgenic spots. There are some really nice looking places to explore but I wanted a place out in the open and then I spotted it, a hazardous looking location:


“Dream infinitely, remain fearless, but always seek hazardous adventures.” Hazardous is a mysterious and intriguing place to take a few photographs, hang out, dance, or just spend some quiet time reflecting. Seek it out.

Visit in Second Life

So off I went in search of adventure and found a place that is beautifully presented but has a creepy feeling that something or someone may reach out and grab you if you don’t pay attention. Therefore I was glad to be in my Bear avatar, someone or something is far less likely to attack a bear, but this may not be the right place for child avi’s, there’s a chance you’ll be sold to The Circus!

Child Avi's Beware

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