Exploring The Dwarven Mines of Marathon Caye

Dwarven Mines At Marathon Caye

The Dwarven Mines Of Marathon Caye are the stuff of legend in Dwarven folklore. Rumour has it there’s gold in the mines, along with ale, great feasts and more importantly, feisty Dwarven ladies. However you know what legends are like, they don’t really exist.

However I was out with a witch by the name of Strawberry Singh, who told me that the mines really do exist and after getting fed up of me trying to get her to go dancing, she teleported to me to the mines! My first idea was to ride the train throughout the whole mine, do the tourist thing, you know how it goes, however halfway around I noticed a sign for The Dire Weasel Tavern and promptly ditched my ride.

Dire Weasel Tavern

The rumours you see, are true, there’s gold in that mine and plenty of it. However I wasn’t sure whether others in the vicinity were merely enjoying the tavern or whether the gold was for use by everyone. Chancing my arm I dipped into the gold, entered the tavern and engaged in an ale, or two, or three. The Dwarven ladies seemed a bit the worse for wear and I should warn you, you don’t want to try and chat up a Dwarven female after a few ales, they can be rather vicious. Instead I engaged in some polite conversation with the male Dwarves, who were still very much in Halloween party mood.



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