Can Our Avatars Change Our Behaviour Outside The Virtual World?

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There’s an interesting article over at The Wall Street Journal : Practice Personalities: What an Avatar Can Teach You. The article by Robert Lee Holz highlights research from the likes of Stanford University to suggest that not only can our avatars and inworld interactions change the way we behave, they can also be used to change the way we behave via role-playing in areas such as corporate diversity :

As digital experiments in identity, our personal avatars mingle real and virtual worlds in ways that scientists are only beginning to analyze. While data is scarce, emerging technology such as 3-D virtual reality goggles and more immersive computerized experiences promise to make avatars more common. Scientists and psychologists are finding new uses for avatars, including role-playing for corporate diversity training, for business conferences and for teaching.

I’ve seen this discussed before but there is a theory that people often create an extension of themselves when they create an avatar for a virtual world or game experience and that in many ways the customisation choices available reveal far more about a person that they realise. I’m not 100% sold on this theory as I’m often a Dwarf, Drow or Wizard. I would also like to be an Orc … actually some of the powers of those characters would be beneficial outside the virtual world, maybe they’re on to something :

American Scientific Blogger Jennifer Ouellette is quoted as saying :

Your brain will start to incorporate your avatar into your sense of self, the more strongly you bond with that avatar, the more it will impact your behavior in the real world.

Jennifer is very familiar with Second Life and is involved with Virtually Speaking Science, a podcast that takes place in Second Life. I’ve covered Virtually Speaking Science a couple of times.

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Avatar Appearance And Perceptions

Hamlet Au over at New World Notes has a blog post regarding a competition to design an avatar of Albert Einstein, the winning avatar will be used in Second Life to promote fundraising for the Institute of medical research Israel-Canada. Now if you’re interested in entering an avatar you need to get your skates on because the closing date for entries is 11:59pm eastern time on September 9th. There are three prizes available, USD$1,500 for first prize isn’t a bad offering at all. The full rules of the competition can be found here.

The competiton is for a good cause and has an element of fun but it’s the choice of such an iconic image as Einstein that interests me because earlier I was reading an article at Mediashift regarding how avatars appear having an impact on your own actions, the article cites a book by Professor Jeremy Bailenson and Jim Blascovich entitled Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds, and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution .. which is quite a mouthful, the article can be read here but includes claims that taller avatars can out negotiate smaller avatars and taller avatars give people more confidence for thirty minutes after they log off in real life.

Continue reading “Avatar Appearance And Perceptions”


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