Virtual Reality Is Within Reality

So I was staring at my bookshelf and wanted to pick up something to read, House Of Cards by Michael Dobbs stared back at me and having just watched the series again on Virgin Media on Demand I reached for it but got sideswiped by Philip K Dick’s “Do Avatars Dream Of Electric Sheep?” … ahhh yes why not, I thought. This also ties in with a blog post from Hamlet Au over at New World Notes and listening to people on the radio pondering whether any of the real world is real or are we in a simulation, sort of like Second Life but with much better graphics and technology would be the answer if that were true, of course it’s an argument you can’t win and probably best saved for a night down the pub because that’s a debate with no end.

Philip K Dick came from an era where Mars and Alpha Centauri were the Kings of Sci Fi. Mars is no longer fashionable, to such a degree that I’m told that the remake of We Can Remember It For you Wholesale Total Recall doesn’t even include the Mars component. Alpha Centauri might be back in fashion in the Sci Fi world though now that they’ve found a planet the size of earth orbiting it. However, a theme in Sci Fi has been inhabiting worlds elsewhere, another one has been replacing human to human emotions with virtual ones or machinery. Even Woody Allen’s Sleeper and the movie Barbarella touch upon this.

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Kitely Offer Unmetered Regions

This much needed rest from Second Life blogging is going to bugger up my end of the year review, I think I’ll just have to raid Inara Pey’s blog and take it from there! So a lot has happened, which I’m not going to cover, much … it’s time to look forward not back but something has been happening over at Kitely.

One of the big criticisms of Kitely was their pricing structure,which was pretty much based upon how long you, or your visitors spent in Kitely. This meant folk with popular venues would baulk at the costs, whereas those who wanted to spend a small amount of time there could get a whole region, or multiple regions at low costs. Swings and roundabouts and all that. However, during my absence Kitely have not only changed their pricing structure, they’ve also introduced a new unmetered option too.

Kitely developer Oren Hurvitz explained the new unmetered option on October 3rd in this blog post. This is in my view a big plus for Kitely and they now offer options for users to work out what deal suits them best, the pricing for unmetered monthly access is as follows:

  • 1 Region $40 per month.
  • 4 Regions $60 per month ($15 per region per month).
  • 9 Regions $80 per month ($8.89 per region per month).
  • 16 Regions $100 per month ($6.25 per region per month).

As you can see, the more regions you pay for, the lower the cost of each region.

Continue reading “Kitely Offer Unmetered Regions”

BattleBeast Breedables

BBB Count down to launch
Countdown To Launch Press

Celebrating 2012 as the Chinese Year of the Dragon, BattleBeast Breedables introduces a revolutionary concept in SL: combining a breedable animal with gaming. The BattleBeast Breedables Dragon is the first SL project to unify the fun of breedables, gaming, and role play (RP).  Our very exciting “Countdown to Launch” project started last week, with a Closed Beta. “This testing is an instrumental part of our program”, said BattleBeast Resident,  “I might add that Closed Beta has gone quite smoothly and the group of people who’ve been testing the dragon have been happy with the project and are very enjoyable to work with.”

What’s so revolutionary about a breeding dragon, one might ask?  Well, the BattleBeast Breedables dragons don’t JUST produce off-spring, eat, interact, and look amazing in accessories… (although they DO look amazing in accessories),  the Beasts battle!  Gamers will appreciate that XP, Levels are earned through battle. Stamina, strength and speed are a blend of Nature and Nuture: Breeding and Battle. As you breed your dragon traits to produce the best possible (“Nature”), the dragon also gains through battle (“Nurture”).

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SL is still amazing

I know I haven’t blogged in awhile, but today a note card was passed my way that I want to share with you.
First I want to explain why this note card hit me the way it did. Last night I was reading a chat window of fellow bloggers and one person went on to say how SL has become a pit. That it has lost its shine.  “This place is rapidly turning into a shit hole of a has been.”  His summation of SL, obviously, was not good. I just closed the window as I didn’t want to listen or read the negativity anymore.
So, today a dear friend of mine passed out a note card which follows:

Phoenix McGann
One of the things I loved about performing online in Second Life was the opportunity to touch the lives of people all over the world. SL is a godsend to some…particularly those with disability or disease that confine their world. In SL they could run, dance, and soar through their imagination…doing things the weight of real life would not permit. One of these wonderful, joyful spirits, Phoenix McGann, passed on recently. For several years Phoe battled courageously with late stage Parkinson’s Disease. But nothing could stop her. SL allowed an outlet for her indomitable love of life. She was an amazing, crazy woman. Funny how people you’ve never met can sometimes touch your heart so. She was a Shantu fan from the very beginning…over 5 years ago. She was a wonderful human being. I’ll miss her.

This Thursday, Feb 2 at 7pm SLT I’ll be singing in SL for a tribute for her being put on by people who loved her. I hope all of you will find the time to stop by and celebrate here life. A landmark and further details will follow.


So next time you want to “rag” about SL and what it DOESN’T do, remember what it does do too.

Till next time,
Your friend, Jez

Educators Still Turning To Second Life

Even though there was quite a hoo-ha when Linden Lab announced they would be removing the educational discount in Second Life, educators are still actively involved in Second Life, I might come to tier issues later this evening.

This weekend, Virtual Worlds Best Practice in Education (VWBPE 2012) is holding an informational meeting. The meeting is free to attend, the agenda is as follows:

The Agenda:

Please join us for our first information meeting for 2012!

  • We’ll start with the Call for Proposals and dates.
  • Discuss the new initiatives under development for 2012 – live research, MOOC, continuing education and games contest.
  • Go over the volunteer opportunities opening up in November – December.


For more information go to the eventbrite site where the event is listed, which you will find here.

Continue reading “Educators Still Turning To Second Life”


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