LL Improving Building Resources On Wiki

So I was reading Nalates Urriah’s blog, which I do quite often, when I noticed a post about SL Best Practices. Then I met The Dwarfins and got sidetracked, but now I need to go back to blogging about more than Dwarfins … they’re so cool though and I should be getting a free camp fire today … where was I? Oh yes, Nalates alerting us to best practices.

This is a very good development, Nalates points out that there is a Good Building Practices page, edited by Jeremy Linden and it has some very handy and useful information. The page is aimed at moderate to advanced creators, sorry new builders, although new builders will find useful information in the knowledge base to get them started and may even benefit from reading the resources on this page anyway.

The page has links to articles on good building practices for Mesh, Sculpts, Textures, Scripts, Physics Optimisation and such like and is quite frankly the sort of page that should be around on the Wiki. I’m very enthused to see it being developed.

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The Dwarfins Have Escaped From Their Cave!

Dwarfins In Action

With thanks to Estelle Pienaar, who blogs about games in Second Life, I have discovered more information about those pesky looking Dwarves I saw at the Xmas expo. Estelle has blogged about The Dwarfins, a new breedable game that was launched officially on December 8th.

The story is a tale of skullduggery and shennanigans amongst the gods with Andronicus creating Dwarfins in violation of the laws of the gods. Andronicus was tricked into this violation by another god, Chelios, whom was nowhere to be seen when judgement was cast upon poor Andronicus.  The Dwarfins were banished to a cave, but by the laws laid down, if they could find their way out by themselves, all would be fine, but Andronicus, or any other god, was forbidden from helping them. Andronicus himself has been banished to imprisonment for two millenia, with just a quill, ink and parchment for company.

So in time, The Dwarfins have managed to escape their cave and are now ready to explore the wider world!

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CHUI – Making Good Use Of The Jira

The Communications Hub User Interface (CHUI) viewer has done something interesting with the Jira, it has made CHUI issues viewable to all, unlike the wretched new Jira in general which limits reports and requests to only the person who submitted the bug, Lindens and a select few residents.

The advantages of this are highlighted in a forum post in the official forums. Hitomi Tiponi asks where the promised survey is and gets a response from Viewer Linden (probably a cousin of Commerce Team Linden):

Hi all. We did indeed plan to release a survey, but a number of residents have submitted not just bugs, but general opinions, in JIRA. As JIRA seems to be working well for feedback, we may not release a formal survey after all.

 Since releasing the project viewer, we’ve been working on a critical piece of CHUI, the notification subsystem. IN CHUI, you’ll have more flexible and more diverse options for being alerted of incoming communications. We’ve also been using the feedback we’ve received so far in our ongoing work. You can expect the next project viewer, which will include these new functions, by the end of December.

 You should feel free to file JIRAs for any feedback you wish to offer. In particular, we want to know if the new functions (such as the conversation log) are usable and convenient, and improve the viewer communication experience. We also want to know if you think the reorganization of the communication functions will help new residents get up to speed more quickly. However, any and all feedback you send us is of great interest to us.

 Thanks everyone.

CHUI gets good feedback in the Jira because others can read the issues.

Continue reading “CHUI – Making Good Use Of The Jira”

A Brief Look Around The Xmas Expo

Xmas Expo Tree

The sight of Dwarves didn’t completely put e off taking a look around The Christmas Expo. I managed to safely navigate some streets without any sign of a Dwarf with an axe threatening me. The expo is running on five sims, all nicely decorated with decent sized stores for many merchants as well as an entertainments venue.

Click here to take a look at the merchants who are there.

Stores at Xmas Expo

Kismet and Dysfunctional Designs neighbour each other.

Continue reading “A Brief Look Around The Xmas Expo”


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