Damian and Jez


If you have a passion for something, you get a 50 dollar guitar at a pawn shop, whatever it takes.

Damian Carbenell

having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling; fervid: a passionate advocate of socialism. an outburst of strong emotion or feeling:  expressing, showing, or marked by intense or strong feeling; emotional: passionate language.


Passion, passionate – these words define Damian Carbenell, the man and his music.

Damian Carbenell is a young man who has been passionate about his song, his music, his life since before he can remember.  At the ripe age of, well, forever, it was his uncle, who was in an 80’s hair band, who was fun, childish in nature, big into music, who introduced Damian to what has become his way of life. Damian at Sweet Whispers

Damian doesn’t remember a time when he wasn’t singing. He was beating on pots and pans by 5. When he was in the 1st grade he entered a school talent show. He was the youngest one there, and second to last to perform.  With his grandfather playing guitar, Damian sang “Let there be peace on Earth“. He sang to a packed audience, but when he was finished there was not a sound made.  At first he thought no one liked it, he couldn’t understand why everyone was so quiet.  He didn’t understand that at the time we were at war (Desert Storm) and there were tears in the eyes of his audience.  Damian had chosen THAT song because it was a song he sang in church.  It was THAT night; he said he felt that the fates came together.  THAT night was the night the fire was lit…..his passion….his direction.

By the 4th grade, in a red leather jacket with zippers all over, penny loafers, and black pants he sang his heart out to MJ’s “Beat It” choreographed with his 3 back up dancers…his music was evolving. Continue reading “PASSION WON’T LET YOU QUIT – Damian Carbenell”

AcousticEnergy Nitely

AE n Jez“I will hold you like a melody;
Sing each word into your soul;
Breathing in your skin, you speak to me;
And I cry”

I’ve seen and heard AcousticEnergy Nitely perform before, but recently I was able to go listen and watch AE “let his hair down” for lack of a better way to describe his show that night….A friend tp’d me to where AE was singing and the first thing I saw pop on my screen was “Ae has the most sexiest voice in sl” (copy, pasted).  So, being the woman I am…..of course I paid close attention.  I heard this sweet male voice….with just a hint of an accent (Scottish, I believe) and decided to save the rest of this commentary until I finished the interview, which follows.

AcousticEnergy Nitely first started messing with music and the guitar as a teenager.  He would strum a 12 string Yamaha guitar that belonged to his buddy, Rob Wier, and listen to the sounds he could make.  His mother put on lay-a-way, his first 6 string Honer guitar which, with the help of his friend Rob, he learned to play basic guitar.  AE was into writing poetry at this point in his life and though he may not have known it at the time, had started his song writing career also.   Such originals as Rise and Breathe On Me Continue reading “AcousticEnergy Nitely”

bFlat Unplugged

InterviewI had the opportunity to sit down and chat with bFlat Unplugged at Route 13, for a candid talk about his presence in SL.  A Blues/Jazz performer, whom I first saw perform in this YouTube video then live at “Sweet Whispers”, which is quickly becoming the most happening venue in SL.

I asked bFlat when he first knew he had THAT talent…where he could take his voice and make women weak in the knees.  (Ladies, just listen once and you will understand what I mean.)  He has that deep, earthy resonounce, that is sultry and whispery soft all at the same time, kind of voice that makes women melt just to listen to, add that to music and, well……yes you’ve got it..  He has a unique talent of bringing Soulful blues and that hint of New Orleans jazz together and just makes you want to get up off your chair and move your feet!
bFlat promo
bFlat actually Dj’d for a short time, in 1st life where he learned voice control techniques to help his voice “presence” be known.   Other than singing in the shower, along with the radio, or humming, he didn’t actually start to sing live until around 1995, where he was encouraged by a friend, singer / musician / songwriter, Phyllis Lanier, to get up on onstage at several of her shows to sing live, in Biloxi, MS.  THAT was the beginning of his singing career. In 1996, he had his 1st exposure to karaoke, and in 1998 after moving to Arizona, he started singing regularly in karaoke bars.

He got his first computer in the year 2000, and was introduced to virtual singing in 2003-2004 on MIRC…where some friends heard him and introduced him to PalTalk………where some friends heard him and introduced him to (lucky for us) SecondLife. Continue reading “bFlat Unplugged”

Thank you Fermi

Arthur Fermi passed the following to me tonight and I told him I would post it for him here at our new forum:

Thank You Fermi!
Fermi Sandbox has been around over 4 years now; it has been an amazing experience from the moment it started. Fermi Sandbox started as a small parcel on the mainland sim of Hek, it was1536m, you could hear everyone chat if you stood in the middle. It was a shabby little lot in the shape of a T, it was wedged between big buildings, and it was perfect! It was a place where I would be able to build, I talked to Kai and she agreed that it was the right place. The land was purchased, it needed a name so I called it Fermi Sandbox, it was a place to build small things, furniture, jewelry, it was never going to be big, it was just my place to build and share with others. Time moved on, as it normally does, and it grew until one day a very kind man by the name of Steffen Menjou donated his sim to Fermi Sandbox. Toady Fermi Sandbox seems huge; it is on a private estate, has about 150 shops and about 50 volunteers and traffic that rival most clubs.

I thought long and hard about the decision to merge with Little Blue, and in the end it was best for me, and Fermi Sandbox. I do not know the complete history of Little Blue, but I do know that Fermi Sandbox was the inspiration. They have told me many times how honored they are that I even considered them. Over time Fermi Sandbox will change to be more like Little Blue, and Little Blue will become a bit more like Fermi. Fermi Sandbox will continue on under the control of Gillian Carthage, who is not only brilliant, but an exceptional person who loves Fermi Sandbox as much as I do. Fermi Sandbox is in the excellent hands of Gillian who will bring you in, feed you (not sure about that) and treat you as her own (sure about this). I am forever grateful that she agreed to take over Fermi Sandbox and continue its history. Continue reading “Thank you Fermi”


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