Did Andrea Linden Call Rod Humble A Fascist And Live To Tell The Story?

The Drax Files Radio Hour episode 2 is largely a wonderful tribute to Osprey Therian, I’ll review it properly over the weekend. However one or two other items caught my eye. There’s more news on former Linden Lab employee Judy L Tyrer’s Ever,Jane MMO, set in the world of Jane Austen. The creators of this must be kicking themselves that #VictorianFacebook is all the rage this evening on Twitter, instead of #GeorgianFacebook, maybe they will save that for launch hey 😉

However the really striking issue on this week’s Drax Files Radio hour is the claim that Andrea Linden called Rod Humble a fascist! The issue is tenuously linked to the NSA/GCHQ spying scandal whereby it was reported that spies had been in Second Life. The issue revolves around the off the record (OTR) messaging system that some third party viewers for Second Life have provided in the past and goes all the way back to 2011. The thing is, when The Guardian revealed the information around spying in Second Life, there was discussion about this feature in the comments. A user known as Ubermensch claimed:

Second Life has its own internal OTR instant messaging system with its own encryption keys that ( allegedly ) not even the makers of Second Life are able to hack into. The keys are generated locally on the user PCs and ‘agreed’ on by those in an IM.

There’s then some healthy discussion about whether this is true or not and the traditonal surprise that Second Life is still around. However it’s the OTR system that is the centre of the story, allegedly from Andrea Linden.

Continue reading “Did Andrea Linden Call Rod Humble A Fascist And Live To Tell The Story?”

Video Births The Radio Star

Draxtor Despres

I can’t quite remember where I first heard of Draxtor Despres, I think it may have been on Metareality Podcast. I know that I discovered, late in the day The Adventures Of Flufee, which was a joint venture with people such as Pooky Amsterdam. There were clues there though as to what may come later, although the site was largely about the avatar of Flufee, there were also highlights featuring destinations within Second Life.

When Flufee had to halt his adventures, we may have wondered where Draxtor would go next. I don’t know if The Drax Files were in the pipeline before Flufee closed but they certainly arrived with a bang in 2013 and continued to impress throughout 2013 with fifteen wonderful video interviews.

The feedback for this show has been wonderful :

His machinima are actually better ads than I’ve ever seen LL put together themselves“. – Nika Talaj.

This is the right narrative to describe #SecondLife. Excellent work” – Indigo Mertel

All this talk about Second Life and Relay for life.. this tells it perfectly! ” – Aine Flanagan

This story gave me goosebumps. Outstanding work as always Drax!” – Freeta Kayo

Draxtor Despres? Is he that German bloke?” – Ciaran Laval

Now Draxtor is moving on to the next stage, by launching The Drax Files Radio Hour. This show is a collaboration with Frau Yardley of 1920’s Berlin fame.

Continue reading “Video Births The Radio Star”


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