Nalates Urriah has an extremely interesting update from the Mesh user group meeting in which changes to prim equivalence on mesh and changes to Avatar Rendering Cost (ARC) are discussed. There’s also information about a funky new build panel with confusing looking information in it as part of the details of Object Rendering Cost, or ORC …. I’m not making this up!
There’s a picture on Nalates blog of the new build panel, which you can view here. I’m rather amused to see there’s a “What is all this?” link on that image because a hell of a lot of people are going to be wondering what the bloody hell it all is!
Basically this is all about trying to make things easier to understand, prim equivalence is confusing, Gwynneth Llewellyn recently blogged about how confusing it is and how unfair it seems, you can read that here. The comments are worth reading on that blog post too as people try and get their heads around everything.