Have Virtual Investors Learned From The WSE?

This post was originally posted on Your2ndplace by Konner McDonnell and is reproduced here with permission from Konner McDonnell.

Last September, I bid farewell to Y2P as a contributor. Embedded in my farewell article was a silent vow that, should the WSE declare insolvency or otherwise withdraw as a virtual exchange, I would return to cover the event.

In his December 2008 address,  Luke Connell announced that his exchange would be severing all ties to Second Life and Second Life-based companies. Though the announcement provoked some applause and cries of victory from the virtual exchange cognoscente, the majority dismissed the address with an indiscernible shrug – comfortably nestled in the latter camp was yours truly.

In the two month period between my announcement and Connell’s, RL had whisked me away. Until two weeks ago, most of my involvement had taken place via email. When the holiday break afforded me a bit of leisure time, I sat down to make good on my promise, but the words didn’t come. The distance had given me a new perspective. So I stepped back, caught up, and drew some disturbing conclusions.

Where the WSE is concerned, it’s gone from Second Life. Good riddance. The periods of unannounced halts, disinformation, fear mongering and revisionism -which I’ve flippantly dubbed “retConnelling”-  are someone else’s problem.

But this by no means constitutes a victory. When I think of the “old investors” whose money has hitherto been made unavailable to them while “new investors” deposited and withdrew at will, I can only conclude that
the sole winner here is Connell himself.  But that was always the case.  Besides, people like myself weren’t trying to beat Luke Connell at a game he dominated. We were simply creating an archive. As VSTEX PR
Director Samantha Goldflake likes to say, “The internet does not forget.” I concur.

The only real victory is one of collective action. When a few like-minded individuals band together in the name of a common interest or promoting truth, the act says as much about the thing being pursued as it does the pursuers. Here, the victory is Pyrrhic, which is often the case, but it is a victory nonetheless. Those people that cared enough to risk their own money to decry Connell’s actions are themselves  illustrative of why I continue to involve myself in the exchanges.

The problem is that these individuals seem to be in the vast minority. That I didn’t recognize it until now says remarkable things about the company I’ve kept in SL, but it says little of my knowledge of  the community as a whole.

From a distance, I’ve watched Luke’s agents unapologetically abandon ship, and, like rats, scurry to bigger and better pieces of cheese. That’s expected. What is surprising is how quickly they’ve been embraced.

Further, many of the old hands with questionable dealings and reputations have been left to their own devices. Similarly, new enterprises have been quickly accepted on exchanges based solely on the lofty goals outlined in their prospectuses.

My concerns are based on research. The information is available to everyone, that is, if they care to look. Though it may be somewhat sloppy of me to write an article, allude to problems, then suggest people do their own research, frankly, my goal has always been to supplement-not replace- individual research.

Though I hope to be proven wrong down the road, I am worried that those people so eager to move beyond the WSE have ignored the pedagogical value in their haste.

I still hold to belief that there is a future in the exchanges – one that will be appreciate by external regulating bodies should they impose  regulations in the future. But as a writer who sought to champion ‘shareholder’s rights,’ I’m finding little in the way of self-determination and/or due diligence. Call me an idealist, but I look  to a day when market volatility reflects speculation  on performance and not the probability of CEO malfeasance.

Not long ago, I had a discussion with Delicious Demar about the WSE and what it meant for the future. Towards the end of that discussion we agreed that it was time to move on, attend to our respective obligations, and enjoy the thing we’d sought to preserve through our individual actions.

That is what I intend to do.

In the last year I’ve signed on with two virtual companies for an inside look and an opportunity to put my ideals to some use. Expect a writeup of my experiences towards the end of this year.

Meanwhile, a new year is upon us. Seems a good time to broaden my horizons. We’ll see what comes of that.

Happy New Year, Y2P.

2008 Reviewed

I was going to do this in the style of a meme I used to do on Livejournal whereby you’d take the first couple of lines or paragraph, from the first post of each month to give your year in review, but that doesn’t quite work for me here, although it’s a fun meme, I’ll do a little bit of that, quickly go through the months, throw in the odd picture and review the year that way.


LL’s new policy on banking certainly caused a storm, and more than just one in a teacup I popped down to JTF to check out the scene and we had a run on the banks in full swing, of course later in the year we had the far more serious issue of people running to RL banks such as Northern Rock to withdraw their funds.Bank queues Continue reading “2008 Reviewed”

Terry Pratchett Live Inworld

Robin’s office hour was a washout as she’s on holiday. Jack’s office hour was calmer than normal and Jack is definitely considering options on what to do about parcels set for sale for what many call extortionate amounts, although no change in policy at this moment in time. Thanks to my underworld sources I have a full transcript to read.

However I spent half an hour trying to get out of Jack’s office hour to go to the Terry Pratchett live Q&A, alas the sim was full until ten minutes before the event started.

Just as I was celebrating, I crashed. However fate wasn’t going to prevent my mission, oh no, I got right back in there. I did however notice that a couple of Linden’s (rumours that they were playing hooky are unfounded!) managed to sneak in at the back, hmmm! Continue reading “Terry Pratchett Live Inworld”

The Bay City Rollers

Well someone had to mention them, my sister scarred me for life! Via the official blog Bay City is up and running.

The work of the LDPW, a cityscape, a cinema, a lighthouse, a trolley bus, bowling, ballon trips and probably much much more.

No terraform, no subdivide, no join, no messing around with the builds. Auctions start next week and to those of you who claim this is just a hosting service, let’s see what value people place on these parcels.

Aided and abetted by Katt Linden, who not only told me Bay City was south of City Haven, she also told me which direction south was (Thanks Miss Communication 😉 ).

I took a stroll around to capture the new sights.

This is a bowling alley ..honest!

This is a bowling alley, honest!

Continue reading “The Bay City Rollers”

Can We Have Some Ethics Please

Early reports are filtering back from the traffic meeting with the underlying message that they are a waste of time. I’ll hold judgement on that until I attend one, I think I’m booked in for Thursday.

However one issue that is related is the showcase and I’m having a hard time not finding it unethical in a world where we’re supposed to have a marketplace. I’m simply uncomfortable about the idea of stores being promoted in this way. I wouldn’t find it so objectionable if places with stores were being promoted, but highlighting a particular store makes me a tad uncomfortable.

The first thing that should be made transparent about this, the very first step to retaining business credibility, should be that no Linden Lab employees, their family members or their close personal friends are promoted via this process. The sort of thing that happens when companies run competitions, employees not allowed.

Personally I’d prefer them to have awards and the winners showcased, that would have more of an ethical feel about it. The winner of the best building designer for whatever period, a month, a quarter or even a year, gets a showcase spot. The winners would have course have to be picked and probably by the very people making the picks now, but the whole process would appear to be more ethical, and maintaining standards is a very important issue in a business environment.

I wouldn’t even mind if the showcase featured those paying the most for their adverts, I know some don’t consider that fair, but it’s a metric that’s hard to dispute and I don’t object to those who pay more, getting greater exposure.

Continue reading “Can We Have Some Ethics Please”


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