Mesh Adoption Will Come

I was going to blog about the year of 2011, or maybe search, but instead I’ll go for Mesh, which is in theme as shortly I’ll be logging off to go and watch part 2 of the BBC’s latest television version of Great Expectations, which is what many of us have of Mesh.

However not everyone is embracing Mesh, some even strictly forbid, even the 1920s Berlin Project, whom along with a list of rules, have a no mesh sign:

Mesh not yet allowed in 1920s Berlin

Poor old Mesh. The thing is that there are valid reasons for not wanting Mesh to be on display, but at the same time those valid reasons stifle the adoption of Mesh. Wear and create Mesh and be damned I say. The 1920s Berlin project explain their no Mesh stance in a blog post, which you can read here.

Continue reading “Mesh Adoption Will Come”

Crowdsourcing Gauntlet Thrown Down

The Mesh clothing parametric deformation project has met its funding goal with some forty days to go, now it will be interesting to see what happens here. I blogged about this project earlier this month, basically this is a project designed to enhance the mesh clothing experience but comes at a time when Linden Lab were seen to be stalling on the issue, Jira SH-2734 is where this was discussed.

I’m still unsure about this whole idea of paying someone else to do work when Linden Lab may come up with an alternative solution, but the gauntlet has been well and truly thrown down now. I hoped at the time that some communication would be forthcoming between the team behind this project and Linden Lab themselvesI have no idea if that has happened.

Linden Lab are put in an awkward position by projects like this, they may well have something else in the works to address this issue but have other priorities, supporters of the project however, clearly didn’t feel Linden Lab were showing enough will to make those changes, hence why the project in its fundraising part has been so successful.

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Parametric Deformation Project Goes The Private Funding Route

If you don’t know what parametric deformation is, you’re not alone. However to put it bluntly, it’s a way of making Mesh clothing more viable, the technical details can be found on Jira SH-2734 and I still don’t know what this Shining business is all about, complete with “Here’s Johnny” type icon.

There was a bit of a hoo-ha when Linden Lab downgraded this Jira to someday/maybe. However someday/maybe doesn’t mean what some people think it means, as Charlar explains on that Jira:

The fact that the backlog is called “someday/maybe” means that it’s something we want to do, but can’t commit to a timeframe yet.

We’ll come back to Charlar later, however matters have taken a different turn on this issue, one that involves private funding, an ex Linden and development of the snowstorm viewer, as reported by Prim Perfect.

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Land of (Impact) Confusion

I’ve been spending a fair bit of time on the beta grid lately, mostly getting frustrated that I can’t make one mesh face on my mesh object a 1:1 ratio when I texture it, but that can wait. I really like the new upload tools, they make everything far easier to follow regarding level of detail etc. However tonight I decided to play with checking land impact figures. Land impact replaces prim equivalency on the beta grid, indeed it replaces all previous settings for counting objects in the about land settings! However don’t panic, legacy prims and sculpts will largely be protected…. I think, the further I dug into the murky world of land impact, convex hulls and prims, the more confused I got!

I started with a simple mesh object, which on its own has a land impact of 1:

Mesh Object on beta grid

I then duplicated it and got ready to link the two objects:

Adding a second Mesh item

I then link the objects and as expected I now have a two prim linkset with a land impact of 2 .. oh wait no I don’t! The land impact score is actually 1! The advanced window displays the full information:

Linkin Mesh Object

Advanced Window of Joined Mesh

Continue reading “Land of (Impact) Confusion”

Mesh Looks Like It’s Coming To Phoenix Viewer

A thread over at SL Universe, which you can read here, points out that Mesh support looks like it is coming to the extremely popular Phoenix Viewer. This is in many ways a surprise move as most people seemed to be under the impression that the Phoenix viewer was largely at the end of its development and that they were concentrating most of their energies on Firestorm, which already has Mesh support in their beta version. I’d post a link to the Firestorm blog post but there doesn’t seem to be a way of doing that! Weird blogging software they’re using there.

The summary of the changes to Phoenix can be read here apparently a lot of the code to bring Mesh to older style viewers has been carried out by Henri Beauchamp, who releases the Cool VL Viewer, which has a version that unsurprisingly, supports Mesh.

Continue reading “Mesh Looks Like It’s Coming To Phoenix Viewer”


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