Machinima gets an official event

I’ve mentioned previously that Linden Lab don’t do a decent job of showcasing machinima, indeed I’ve mentioned recently that their own forums and website aren’t that clever with regards to promoting user generate content full stop. So imagine my surprise when I read that May will be the Inaugural month of Machinima. Although if I’m nitpicking, I could point out that the blog post should be being promoted within the Machinima forum on the official forums, which isn’t a forum that is designed to promote machinima…..seriously, LL, let people promote their wares on your forums!

Anyway, you have to be quick if you want to enter, entries need to be received by April 10th, no sex or violence and it can’t last longer than three minutes, so it was important to point out there’s no sex allowed as three minutes is a bit of a marathon session. However, if sex or violence are ever the theme, it will be allowed, I await to see if Linden Lab are mature enough to officially allow such submissions.

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