KittyCatS RFL In SL
Seasons of hope

Relay For Life® of Second Life® is thrilled to announce that KittyCatS! has created a special RFL of SL ‘Seasons of Hope’ breedable KittyCatS! collection to benefit the American Cancer Society.

Looking adorable and cute, the special ‘Seasons of Hope’ themed kitties were presented at the Home Expo on Saturday May 14. They will be on sale right through to Relay weekend in July.

Callie Cline and Equinox Pinion of KittyCatS presented the new kitties on the Home Expo’s Main Stage at 12:30pm SLT on Saturday May 14, followed by a live music concert with Mankind Tracer.

This marks the first time that RFL of SL has joined in a partnership of this type and the RFL of SL committee looks forward to the KittyCatS’ presence at Relay team events, at the Home Expo, and at Relay weekend, right alongside the Linden Bears.

‘We’re really honored to have been asked to partner with RFL and to be a sponsor at the Home Expo’ says Callie Cline. ‘It’s very exciting for the pet and breedables community as a whole, as well.

‘Creating these cats was a really touching experience for me as I have had a lot of people in my life die from cancer and in making these cats I thought of them and how they had impacted my life. So in each of these cats is a bit of some pretty amazing people who truly were with me during many seasons of my life and given me a lot of hope.’

‘People love animals and they bring so much joy into the world. We hope our contribution will provide meaning and help RFL of SL with its goals’ says Equinox Pinion.

Home Expo coordinator, Nikki Mathieson said: ‘It’s exciting when talented, creative people come together to put their very best work out there for others to enjoy, while benefiting such an

KittyCatS Dispener
KittyCatS Seasons of Hope Dispenser

important cause.

‘KittyCatS! have grown quickly in popularity since their launch in February. I’m confident that the RFL of SL KittyCat will bring a diverse and new group of visitors to the Expo and help us to expand its reach to a larger variety of Second Lifers.’

Relay For Life of Second Life Event Chair MamaP Beerbaum added: ‘I cannot wait to get mine! Thank you so much Callie, Equinox and Dennis for partnering with us. I am so grateful to you for supporting our efforts in SL with such enthusiasm and generosity!’

This year marks the fourth anniversary of the Home Garden & Patio Expo benefiting Relay For Life of Second Life. The 2011 Expo opened on Friday, May 13 at noon and will remain open 24 hours each day until it closes on May 22 at 10pm SLT . This year’s Expo spans TEN Second Life sims, with over 100 exhibits, more entertainment and more ways to benefit Relay For Life, too!

For more information about KittyCatS! visit

To find out all about this year’s Home & Garden Expo, visit

Why LL Should Be Careful When Deleting History

As revealed by Tateu Nino, a number of pages have been deleted from the official Wiki, plenty of staff users pages have gone along with transcripts of office hours. Exactly what happened I don’t know, although Linden Lab are working on the wiki, deleting so much history seems rather painful to me, a geeky guy who has read plenty of old forum threads and information on Second Life from a time before I arrived here.

However what I find most disappointing is that I don’t think the guys at Linden Lab understand that people like me love reading old transcripts and forum posts, as exemplified by Rand Linden’s reply to Qie Niangao on the issue of the Wiki deletions:

Qie – I don’t believe we removed anything of historical value

Everything, absolutely everything, has historical value, whether you feel it’s worth preserving for posterity or not is another matter, but everything has historical value.

Continue reading “Why LL Should Be Careful When Deleting History”

Prim Savers Rebrands as Prim Misers

Phil Deakins has announced on the official forums that his low prim furniture store, Prim Savers, is rebranding itself as Prim Misers. Why is this of any particular interest you may ask, well it’s a cautionary tale and one that appears to be laced with disagreement, deceit and downright spitefulness. Phil has rebranded his store not because of any sort of attempt to reinvent his brand, it appears to be more of a case of his brand being in dispute with another brand and someone else being more determined to gain the legal right to use the name.

Our tale starts on a forum thread back in January 2010 where Phil explains:

As most people here know, I’ve been trading in SL as “Prim Savers” for a long time – in the low prim furniture field. Two months ago a new low prim furniture store opened up as “PrimSavers” (no space between the words). The owner claims that it’s a different business name and I disagree. Anyone got any thoughts?

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Will Mesh Finally Make A Decent Viewer 2 Sales Pitch?

KirstenLee Cinquetti, Third Party Viewer developer extraordinaire, makes an appeal on her blog for people to switch over to viewer 2:

Now comes an appeal. Things are getting to a point where I suspect mesh will very shortly arrive onto the grid along with lots of new features. I strongly believe some will appear in the next development cycle. There is one problem.. 1.23 based clients! The whole deal is being right royally hampered and delayed by the insistence in keeping this client alive.

I honestly do not care what your viewer preference may be.. But I really implore you to switch to V2 based solutions (even if this causes some pain). Firestorm, Kokua, daveP’s funk special, it does not matter, the sooner the better. See the world with my eyes!”

Viewer 2 has since its inception been given a frosty welcome, and this goes back to the closed beta period, as the leaked feedback that made its way to The Alphaville Herald revealed. The simple fact of the matter is that Viewer 2 has been unloved, will Mesh change that?

Continue reading “Will Mesh Finally Make A Decent Viewer 2 Sales Pitch?”

Don’t Just Stand There, Let’s Get To It, Strike A Pose, There’s Nothing To It

At a time when BK Linden is telling us that new user registrations are up, thanks partially due to the new user experience and that Q1 2011 was the most successful in Linden Lab’s history, Vogue Italia are running a story sounding the death knell for Second Life. This story is all the more bizarre because stories about Second Life being empty and people having nothing to do went out of fashion in 2009.

However, we are treading somewhat into there being no such thing as bad publicity, and brands like Ava Choo get a mention, albeit with a complaint that there was nobody in the store to sell them anything, although I do have sympathy with them over the Kenny G music.

The thing with stories like this is that I’ve heard them all before and Second Life has always had empty places since I signed up in 2007, as someone told the person writing the article, you need to know where to look. I used to go to a place called Club Crobar when I was a lad in Second Life, it no longer exists, but other places do. Places come and go all the time.

Continue reading “Don’t Just Stand There, Let’s Get To It, Strike A Pose, There’s Nothing To It”


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