The Drax Files Makes Its Debut

Draxtor Despres, of Metareality Podcast, Superflufee machinima and other stuff I don’t know about but probably should fame, has today launched a new monthly show titled: “The Drax Files“.

The concept behind the show is to interview Second Life residents from various walks of the virtual world and show the real person as well as their virual self. The series will feature machinima as well as the person talking about their virtual world experiences, both inside Second Life and at times by a video link to their real self.

This won’t just be about super successful business people, the aim is to cover people of all ages, genders and ethnicities as they discuss their virtual world experiences as well as how it impacts upon their real life in some cases.

The episodes aren’t long, the first episode (linked and embedded at the bottom of this post) is around five minutes long. Unfortunately such a production takes a lot longer than five minutes to produce, hence why it’s a monthly show but this sort of show promotes Second Life in a very positive light on many levels. First of all there’s the machinima and imagery, which portray a vibrant world. Then we have the first hand experience of residents, which exemplifies what people can do and achieve in Second Life.

Being as I bugged Draxtor on Twitter, he gave me some background information in the form of a press release. or maybe he got his secretary to hand me a press release:

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