2013 SL Buddy Walk

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2013 SL Buddy Walk!!!!
March 17-31, 2013 • World Down Syndrome Day Celebration
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SL Buddy Walk

The Buddy Walk® was established in 1995 by the National Down Syndrome Society to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness and to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. It is also the world’s most widely recognized public awareness program for the Down syndrome community. Last year in RL there were over 295 Buddy Walks world wide.

The Second Life Buddy Walk is done in conjunction with the NDSS (National Down Syndrome Society) and takes place around World Down Syndrome Day

Myths and Truths About Down Syndrome Continue reading “2013 SL Buddy Walk”


The 2013 Relay For Life of Second Life season is ready to launch. On Saturday, March 9, 2013, at 10am SLT, the Relay For Life Kickoff Celebration will be held on 4 special “kickoff” regions bordering the American Cancer Society Island.

More than 107 teams have pre-registered to participate in this year’s Relay For Life fundraising season in Second Life, but there is plenty of room for more. Anyone who has registered, or is interested in registering a team is encouraged to attend the Kickoff Celebration to learn more about this year’s Relay For Life season. If you are interested in learning more, contact Gem Sunkiller inworld, or you can join the Relay For Life Volunteers Group, or you can visit   Relay For Life of Second Life.

The 2013 Relay For Life of Second Life theme matches that of the American Cancer Society’s 2013 campaign: Celebrating 100 Years of Hope.

“2013 marks the 100th birthday of the American Cancer Society. Our teams voted last year to use this as an opportunity to align with the organization to celebrate the many successes that we’ve had over the last 100 years of fighting cancer…and to re-commit ourselves to doing as much as we can to finish the fight,” says Stingray Raymaker, American Cancer Society Manager of Digital Platforms. Continue reading “RELAY FOR LIFE KICKOFF”

Can Resident Made Machinima Be Used To Promote Second Life?

I recently asked : Can Linden Lab Follow The Draxtor Despres Lead? In that post I pointed to The Drax Files as being a very good example of how to promote Second Life. I also pointed out that Linden Lab may have difficulty in pulling something like this off due to the potential complaints from other residents, although that challenge is not insurmountable.

Now during the last few days a moonwalking Shetland Pony is doing wonders for the promotion of the Three Mobile Network here in the UK:

Now something like that is going to cost an arm and a leg for an advertising agency to produce, but it does point out awfully well how promotion on a platform such as YouTube can make great strides for your product.

Continue reading “Can Resident Made Machinima Be Used To Promote Second Life?”

The Drax Files Makes Its Debut

Draxtor Despres, of Metareality Podcast, Superflufee machinima and other stuff I don’t know about but probably should fame, has today launched a new monthly show titled: “The Drax Files“.

The concept behind the show is to interview Second Life residents from various walks of the virtual world and show the real person as well as their virual self. The series will feature machinima as well as the person talking about their virtual world experiences, both inside Second Life and at times by a video link to their real self.

This won’t just be about super successful business people, the aim is to cover people of all ages, genders and ethnicities as they discuss their virtual world experiences as well as how it impacts upon their real life in some cases.

The episodes aren’t long, the first episode (linked and embedded at the bottom of this post) is around five minutes long. Unfortunately such a production takes a lot longer than five minutes to produce, hence why it’s a monthly show but this sort of show promotes Second Life in a very positive light on many levels. First of all there’s the machinima and imagery, which portray a vibrant world. Then we have the first hand experience of residents, which exemplifies what people can do and achieve in Second Life.

Being as I bugged Draxtor on Twitter, he gave me some background information in the form of a press release. or maybe he got his secretary to hand me a press release:

Continue reading “The Drax Files Makes Its Debut”

Will Second Life Ever Be Able To Address International Issues?

I was listening to MetaReality Podcast over the weekend when Qarl mentioned that Second Life under Mark Kingdon had been considering ways to bring back gambling, according to some it has never really gone away, but the days of casinos on the landscape are certainly long gone.

This remined me that I’d been reading about real money Facebook apps: Facebook strikes deal with 888 to launch more real-money gaming apps in the UK. The key here being the in the UK part, so as to not fall foul of laws regarding online gambling in jurisdictions where it’s not allowed.

A quick recap on gambling in Second Life, as far as I’m aware it was never licensed. However it was popular and it did require land, so it generated tier revenue. Linden Lab took a business decision to ban it, but I can recall a forum or blog post where Zee Linden, former CFO, said they had been considering finding a way to bring it back. However that has never happened.

When Linden Lab struck a deal with Dragonfish to process payments, I wondered if this was to do with introducing gambling back to Second Life, as Dragonfish are related to 888, the same 888 who are introducing gaming apps to Facebook. When you used to email support, they had an 888 address. This was for the now defunct Local Payments System, US residents didn’t have their payments processed in this fashion.

Now one way of bringing gambling back to Second Life would have been to do what Facebook are doing, and restrict it to residents of a certain country, so for example if 888 had opened an 888 sim, only UK residents would be able to enter. This would obviously be problematic, especially as gambling winnings would find their way into the wider economy, but it does raise the issue of restrictions on Second Life based on the geographic location of Linden Lab, rather than their customers.

Continue reading “Will Second Life Ever Be Able To Address International Issues?”


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