Avatar Social Network – What’s It All About?

The first time I heard of Avatar Social Network was due to a forum post over at SLUniverse asking for feedback on the site:

So there is this new website that is similar to the Facebook concept, only it offers a lot more, it has an “Activity Reward” system and doesn’t require any RL information, it is built for Second Life, Inworldz, Avination, There.com, IMVU and other virtual worlds’ residents.

Avatar Social Network

Take a look, tear it apart and tell me what you think.

People told Arkad exactly what they think and at times it wasn’t pretty, nor were Arkad’s responses. One big concern was who the hell are you? Fair question. Things could have been worse for Arkad, he could have taken his question to Second Citizen MKII, where people also would have told him what they think.

Personally I think Arkad is missing a trick or two, he could have gone beyond the Second Life style virtual worlds and also invited users from World Of Warcraft, Eve-Online etc. and maybe even entitled the site Avatars United, that would have been catchy ….. oh wait!

However moving on, what of the site itself? Well for a start it seems active, there are blog posts, discussions, videos, photos and there’s a way to earn a small amount of Linden Dollars via a rewards scheme, although I’m not sure exactly how that works.

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Outside Companies Should Create Their Own Second Life Faires

Fantasy Faire is over for this year, but what this year’s event has left me wondering is why aren’t there more faires and why aren’t there more faires with outsiders involved? Now by outsiders I’m talking about people who don’t see Second Life as being their natural place, such as people who don’t really use Second Life but could use it for promotional purposes.

Now let’s just pause for a moment here, Linden Lab have brought advertising to their website and a lot of this advertising is from people who don’t see Second Life as their natural place, there are adverts from all sorts of different companies there. Why not harness that advertising potential and point advertisers in the direction of the Fantasy Faire website and say, hey, here’s what you can do in Second Life to make feature rich advertising.

Now there are a few reasons why this sort of thing generally doesn’t happen. The first is that Second Life is a rather small subset of potential consumers for any organisation to be concerned with, I mean there are plenty of us here but there are not eye popping amounts. Another reason is that Second Life users get a bit uppity at times about outsiders advertising on Second Life properties, some of the feedback about the website adverts demonstrates that. Another reason is that advertisers don’t want to be associated with dodgy content.

Some of these factors can be overcome, but let’s just imagine what could be done with a Fantasy Faire for fantasy authors and MMO companies. This could bring new users to Second Life, a short faire on this scale would mean people weren’t tied to tier in Second Life to display their wares, but they could get some damn good promotional material out of a short term event. The game companies should have no problem making avatars for Second Life, whereas the authors could work with, Linden Lab or even, shock horror, Second Life residents to help them build displays to promote their books.

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New World Notes Approaching Tenth Birthday

Whereas Inara Pey , Daniel Voyager and Nalates Urriah are bringing us the skinny on the lowdown regarding Second Life’s tenth birthday (even though Philip Linden and Steller Sunshine hit eleven this month) I’m going to look forward to a Second Life related birthday of a different sort. On April 22nd Hamlet Au’s New World Notes will hit its tenth birthday. As far as I’m aware there will be no events, no booths, no sponsorships and the cake is a lie, but never the less, love him or loathe him, it’s an important milestone.

Thanks to the wayback machine, we can look back at some of Hamlet’s early musings, from a time when New World Notes was incorporated within the Second Life website and even had its own forum. Early Hamlet is rather interesting, because you can get a sense of being ready to expect the unexpected:

Because what is happening now in the Beta test of Second Life is very much a social experiment in the making. Literally, “making”: thousands of volunteers are already in there now, buzzing around in Linden Lab’s servers, shaping their world out of thin air. From a default canvas of wide oceans and rolling hills, they’re cramming the place with coffee tables, exotic swords, sunglasses, ride-able rockets, electric guitars, readable books, soaring Japanese pagodas– pretty much anything you might imagine, and a lot more you wouldn’t dream of– to create a playspace as vast and varied as creativity and enthusiasm allows.

Nobody knew what would happen, what would be formed, of course we have a better idea now, but that potential for creative space is nicely summed up there, so are the dangers of user created content because it’s certainly true that things you wouldn’t dream of, have been created, but that is part and parcel of the beauty and beast of Second Life.

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The Drax Files Episode 2 – 1920’s Berlin What A Good Place To Be

So what happens when someone from Amsterdam is a fan of the 1930’s to such an extent that they dress and decorate their home in the style of that era? That’s right, they come to Second Life and build a 1920’s Berlin roleplaying location with future plans to build a sim in the style of 1940’s London….. wait, what? Well all is revealed in The Drax Files episode 2: Jo Yardley  (embedded at bottom of post) which takes a look at 1920’s Berlin and the voice of the 1920’s Berlin Project, the very enthusiastic Frau (Jo) Yardley. The result is yet another stunning example of good promotion of Second Life by Draxtor Despres.

The 1920s Berlin Project

Travel back in time to this big city during an amazing era. Wander down Unter den Linden, explore the dirty old back streets, see a movie at the cinema, visit the museum, enjoy cabaret, dance the Charleston in a small Tanzlokal or at the gay Eldorado club in this role-play sim with a 1920s dress code (freebies provided).

Visit in Second Life

The epsiode is largely narrated by Jo Yardley, who doesn’t have a television or mobile phone in her own home, but does have a computer from where she brings her vision of 1920’s Berlin to life. Draxtor Despres and those involved in this production have done an excellent job of bringing 1920’s Berlin to video, to such an extent that initially I didn’t realise it was Second Life!

In this episode Draxtor once again uses inworld footage as well utilising already made outside footage of Jo in Amsterdam to show the person behind the wares in their real life environment, which brings home the message that the person behind the avatar is real. I’ve mentioned before how good a medium this is for promoting Second Life and how it would be good if Linden Lab got in on the act. I’ve also pointed out that there are issues such as editorial impartiality for Linden Lab that Draxtor and others don’t face, so it’s trickier for Linden Lab but I hope they are taking note of the positive nature of these videos. They are at least aiding the promotion by blogging about it.

In this episode Jo talks about her love of the era on which her sim is based, the style, the architecture as well as how she’s a fan of such dress sense outside of Second Life too! Jo also does look scarily like her avatar, no no no, stop right there, she’s not seven foot two with gravity defying double D boobs, neither is her Second Life avatar, which probably explains why her RL self looks so similar to her Second Life self.

Continue reading “The Drax Files Episode 2 – 1920’s Berlin What A Good Place To Be”

2013 SL BUDDYWALK Continued!

SL Buddy Walk 2013- basic sign

Today I present four more Exclusive Offers from three of Second Lifes Amazing Designers.  From Cleo Design we have two wonderful selections –
1) Rocking Comfort – which a Rocking chair which has 29 sit animations (read,drink,talk,etc), you sit on it and choose with menu by touch. Props are automatically offered. Touch chair shadow for rocking. Lamp has on/off option.

Cleo Designs
Rocking Set and Comfy Chair Set by Cleo Designs


2) Cozy Armchair – Armchair has 4 couple and 5 single animations. It also comes with a side table that has morning coffee for two and breakfast.
All are very well designed and would be a wonderful addition to any home.

Creations by Fairie and Kre-ations
Creations by Fairie and


Next we have from Creations by Fairie this sweet little Faberge Rose Egg Earring and Necklace set which just happens to go so well with this classy, classic {purplepunk} mesh number by .::Kre-ations::. .
These and so very much more are available for a limited time only at the 2013 SL Buddywalk.
All proceeds to benefit Down Syndrome awareness. Where the merchants and creators make it so easy to give!

For a better view of the images, click on them and it will bring up a larger image.
More tomorrow!



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