Bellisseria – home of misfits, moles, and every wonderful type of creature that Second Life has to offer, is hosting a 2 day event on June 16th and 17, to honor Englands own GLASTONBELLI. As Inara Pey says in her blog post –GET READY FOR GLASTONBELLI IN SECOND LIFE – Bellisseria Fairgroundswill be playing host to this amazing recreation of Pilton, Somerset England’s annual Glastonbury Festival!
Here is a sneak peak of what will be offered!
Gypsy Carnival Tents
Bjoyful taking a bow after mastering bull riding!
Sunset over the Porta-Potties
BJoyful is just plum tuckered out after all of her hardwork!!!
Glastonbelli – Live Music Festival @ Bellisseria Fairgrounds
June 16th 10:00 AM The Vinnie show 11:00 AM Lexus Melodie 12:00 Noon Da5id Weatherwax 1:00 PM Larree Quixote 2:00 – 4:00 PM Jed Luckless Moondance Parx Particle show
June 17th 10:00 AM The Vinnie show! 11:00 AM Joe Paravane 12:00 Noon Baz (avantgarde.frequency) 1:00 PM Suzen Juel 2:00 – 4:00 PM Tukso Okey Moondance Parx particle extravaganza
Recently I met and started to work for Sim and Zaya Chrispson, as a marketing agent. Their umbrella company isKite Co. Kite Co incorporates a few other businesses as do most umbrella companies.
In this case, the cart came before the horse. Sim started off with6 Kinds of Wednesday, 6KW is the mainstay of Kite Co. With no inworld store, 6KW is strictly Market Place accessible. Sim started his KiteCo Corporation with this inexpensive but extremely well made full perm textures. If you are a builder and have never taken a look at what 6KW has to offer, you really need to take a look. Please review what you think of them.
Kitemart [K*M] – A Market Place department superstore that houses several product lines and brands owned and/or distributed by Kite Co. and its various divisions. They Include Lily’s Farm-aceuticals, [VBV] Venderful Beverage Vendors, !AF! Angry Ferret, and Slushy. Again no inworld store and is strictly available on the market place
There is an upper deck and a lower deck. This DJ session takes place on the upper deck. The RUNWAY PLANE CRASHES are every 10 minutes. A very unique event to experience.
Mayday proudly carries unique aviation-themed beer, wine, and cigars made by [VBV] Venderful Beverage Vendors. Belly up to the bar and watch, listen, dance, and just relax and have a great time. Drop a notecard and let us know what you think of Mayday.
Elvis Impersonator! Not bad.
Elvis’s gf dancing away
Outside on the runway
Another view from the outside
There are plenty of things to play with. You can color the floor with a crayon
Next we have The Shhh! Silent Movie Theatre. A simply wonderful step back in time. Open 24 hours for your viewing pleasure. A free Inworld silent movie theater experience that pays homage to amazing movies and performers from the silent movie era, including Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, and Buster Keaton. A fun trip into the fantasy of yesterday! Completely done in black and white. This brings back silent movies and is a wonderful place for a date night.
Then we have Kaleidoscope EyesBreakfast Cafe. A Beatles themed cafe where you can listen to Beatles music, Experience that “hippie” side of yourself. It is quite amazing! Do you remember the old kaleidoscopes? Visiting this charming venue is like stepping back into the 60s. A free cafe featuring a breakfast buffet. It exclusively hosts Lily’s Farm-aceuticals brand Herbal Teas. It’s decor is based around the song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ by The Beatles.
Ok, well I have saved my personal favorite until last! RESET Retro Arcade. If you remember Mario Brothers, PacMan, Arcade games. OMG and not only are these cutouts life-size they are so realistic!!! I was, to be honest, STUNNED when I first saw them. All textures were made by Sim Chrispson. A free Inworld Arcade featuring playable 1980’s/1990’s game cabinets and decor.
Kite Co. is a proud corporate sponsor of Salem School Landschulheim Sim Chrispson teaches Marketing at 1 SLT on Mondays. Join the fun!
There are links to youtube videos in each segment. All very well done and fun to watch! On the lower list are inworld links. Please enjoy!!!
Randelsham Forest is located in the Deep Woods on the Continent of Bellisseria
Randelsham Forest Community Welcome Center
The Moles are at it again!
Floating around
Still Floating
Upon the opening of the new community center in Randelsham Forest, there have been many viewers and ooohs and awwws. Including those from my self. When you teleport into Randalsham you land on the “landing pad” and walk up into the very airy and open Tree House that is now known as the community center for Bellisseria. The walls are open on 4 sides with extremely high ceilings. There are many places to just sit and commune if wanted or you can hop on a “bubble” and float around. If you go to the right you can walk down to another open-air continuance of the community center Tree House. (Obviously nested in the trees). If you go straight you can view the lake and beautiful countryside that is picture-perfect. If you go to the left you can walk out and grab a ride on the Bubble Machine and float on up to the top of the tree lines and jump on the Zip Line. From the top of the Zip Line, you can jump on one of 2 lines to go out to a tiny island or back down to past both of the centers.
The lower community center
This was at the bottom of the zip line
I didn’t just float around, I returned the next day and zipped down the zip line. I went walking through the woods, I bought a canoe so the next time I visited I could float across the lake to the mainland. (Bellisserian mainland that is.) You can go for a hike through the mountains up to the tracks at Randelsham Station.
You can wait for a ride while sitting on the “rails”.
Randalsham Forest is another beautiful addition to an already growing list of beautiful additions nestled in Bellisseria. With more to come I know. It’s a wonderful place to visit. I would say “BUT, I wouldn’t want to live there”. But I do live in Bellisseria. My have Linden Homes come a long way.
This is my first blog post in about 4 years (I think). I have so many things to blog about and have not had time to get them out there yet. That and I am learning how to play with “blocks”. I have been assured that it is pretty easy and I can promise my abilities to manipulate them will improve, with time. For now, though, I am going to sign off and hope to talk soon.
I’ve often wondered why Adobe aren’t advertising on the Second Life forums, after all Photoshop is a popular tool for Second Life creators. Then there’s Autodesk Maya which can be used to make Mesh.
Blender and Gimp are open source tools that can be used for Second Life content creation, how about some adverts for them in the forum in exchange for links to Second Life from their sites, or Linden Lab talk to the guys at Blender Cookie about linking to some of their training materials, some of their content is free to use and some require a subscription fee. Linden Lab could even enquire if they could sell training subscriptions on behalf of Blender Cookie and bundle it with a new premium plus membership package for Second Life, which would be aimed at content creators.
However with Adobe charging a monthly fee, and with Linden Lab charging a monthly fee and taking into account that Adobe have products that are very suitable for Second Life content creation, I feel there’s a massive cross promotion opportunity here. A new premium membership plan could be introduced that includes a subscription to Adobe Photoshop CC and Lightroom 5, obviously this would be more expensive than the current Second Life Premium plan but with sensible negotiation between Linden Lab and Adobe, it would work out roughly the same or cheaper, than subscribing to both, on the Second Life end you’d lose some of the current premium perks to compensate for this.
Bookstacks Isle is a place all about books and the people who love them — you know, readers. The group holds regular book clubs and readings, and the activities board is a wonderful resource for keeping up on all the literary events in SL.
Visit in Second Life
Bookstacks Isle is a place where readers can discuss books. Kghia Gherardi and JJ Drinkwater, director of The Libraries of Caledon seem to be the main driving force behind the place, although Second Life’s Queen of Storytelling, Seanchai’s very own Caledonia Skytower, also has a presence there.
Inside The Hobby Horse pub we see bookcases and posters. One poster tells us that Books cannot be killed by fire and that books are weapons in the war of ideas.
Other posters advertise science stories. This is a place for discussion, I’m not sure how well up to date the informational notecards are. One from Simeon Beresdord advertises Science Fiction Saturdays :
Jago Constantine organises hour-long event I list as Science Fiction Saturday in Events.
Which we now host at Bookstacks giving people a chance to talk about science fiction in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
It meets every Saturday at 2pm SLT in the pub on Awen.
Got something to say about the book you’re reading? Share your insights with us! You’re welcome to come and just listen too!
We’ll happily discuss sci fi books, television and movies … but mostly books!
If you think you might come along, bring some thoughts on the last science fiction you read, what you’re reading now, and what you want to read next!