Visit Goatswood And Venexia In Second Life Before They Close Their Doors


I was reading Inara Pey’s blog recently when I noticed an article entitled : The passing of places in Second Life. The post deals with the sad news that two absolutely stunning roleplay locations in Second Life are going to shortly disappear. The Regions of Goatswood and Venexia are going to sail off the side of the Second Life in the next ten days or so. I’d advise people to go visit quickly and take snapshots if you want.

As Inara points out, both regions are very photogenic.


Inara’s post links to another blog post on the matter from Miya’s Journal, which also contains the text of the official announcement. The first part of the announcement reads :


It is with great regret that once again the ever present financial burden of the extreme costs of maintaining sims in second life means that we will be forced to close both Venexia and Goatswood.

These closures will take place on 13th June for Venexia and 19th June for Goatswood. Any rentals outstanding will of course be refunded. As Kos still has some active players we will try to keep it running for a while longer.

We would like to say a huge thank you to all those who have over the years contributed so much time and creativity towards the great success of these projects. They have provided us with many lasting memories, and we have derived immense enjoyment from seeing them brought to life by those who have spent time playing there.

We hope that you have enjoyed using as much as we have enjoyed creating them.

Baal and Kora, for those wondering, are Baal Zobel and Kora Zenovka, the duo behind these excellent builds.


Goatswood’s description in the destination guide states :

Delve deep into the dark past of Goatswood, a SGS Victorian role-play sim set in a mysterious English village. Goatswood features an incredibly intricate, detailed world, a unique story system, multiple character possibilities, Victorian social classes, structured role-play and magic systems, covens to join and plenty to explore and do. Will Goatswood be your escape, or is it what you’re escaping from?

Visiting as a visitor is pretty easy, and one that I found a pleasure. There’s information at the landing point and then they have this neat vendor which gives you a three day visitor’s pass, which you wear to indicate you’re OOC. Then you walk to a train, left click and as long as you have the OOC tag on, you will be teleported to the main sim. The three day pass is free by the way and can be renewed when the three days have expired.

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Second Life Premium Members Can Get Their SL12B Avatar Early At Premium Meetup

Bear and Dwarfins

Second Life’s twelfth night, or birthday if you prefer, is fast approaching. The SL12B community Celebration, will run between June 21st-28th. Linden Lab are playing their part in the celebrations and will be releasing a commemorative avatar to celebrate the anniversary.

This is a long standing tradition and in recent years we were gifted a bear avatar for SL10B and a robot avatar for SL11B.

Don't forget Popcorn!

Premium Members of Second Life will get the chance to get early access to this year’s birthday avatar, according to a blog post from Xiola Linden : Premium Members:Get Early Access to the SL12B Commemorative Avatar at a Tiki-tastic Party!

Splish Splash – it’s a Tiki Beach Bash!

Premium members – this one is just for you, so be sure to save the date! We’ve lit the tiki torches and brushed up on our fruity drink-mixing skills to host a casual gathering with the added bonus of early access to our Official Second Life 12th Birthday commemorative avatar.

That’s right – come to the SL12B Premium Meetup on Thursday June 11th from 10:30 to 11:30 AM SLT, hang out with us, and be one of the first to glimpse and grab the celebratory 12th anniversary avatar. The nature of this particular avatar required us to select a remote island for our gathering as well as implement a strict quarantine on the subject, so you’re going to have to drop by our tropical jungle destination to find out what it is.

Ah but what about those Premium Members who want the avatar but can’t make the meetup? Do not worry, you can still get the avatar early.

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In The Bleak Midwinter At Galanthus – The Ice Keep of Niphus


Galanthus – The Ice Keep of Niphus is listed in the Castles & Ruins section of the Second Life destination guide and comes with a story :

Winter came with draught and suffering. Lords of the north had very little choice but to retreat. So did the lord of Galanthus. A land so fertile and green. People so brave and loyal. Will so strong. But…. Winter came to Galanthus as much as it came to all.

Lord of Galanthus retreated to his ice keep of Niphus with the remaining people of his lordship.

There he hoped to return one day stronger.

Built 2000 years before his time the mighty keep of Niphus is beautiful but old. İts tunnels are deep and mysterious. The ancient arena is still with blood and the few remaining knights still honour their lord with their lance in tournaments.

The sim describes itself as Semi-RP, which the handily provided notecard informs me means that the sim is an RP sim, but has very few rules.



The sim is the second episode of the legacy, the first, Galanthus, was created by Ozgur Portilo and his partner, Mina Pelazzi, a few years ago. The same couple have created this second episode too.

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Visiting Skyeridge Parkway Mountain Retreat But Still Looking For The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine

Skyeridge Parkway

The Nature and Parks section of The Destination Guide is always makes for interesting viewing and it was there that I found Skyeridge Parkway Mountain Retreat. The location is inspired by The Blue Ridge mountains in the United States Of America and provides some extremely scenic views.

There’s a road winding around the sim that climbs to the higher reaches, or if prefer rail travel there’s a rail carriage that runs alongside the road.

Jazz Cafe

There’s also a social side to the region with a bar that has a flashing sign advertising Jazz, although I do not know if Jazz is actually performed here.

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The Arcade Is Open Until June 30th But Be Patient If You Want To Participate

The Arcade

The Arcade in Second Life is a build that would be a sight to behold were it simply a build to view and walk through. The people behind The Arcade describe it as :

Set in a seaside build that evokes the whimsical feel of the penny arcades of early 1900’s Coney Island and Brighton Pier, The Arcade strives to present a nostalgic atmosphere that welcomes an audience seeking great gacha prizes, and continues to be a favorite destination for photographers and enthusiasts of vintage architecture.

However there’s more to it than just being a spectacular build, it’s an Arcade that plans to hold events in June, September and December. As we’re now a few days into June that means there’s an event on now. We’re not talking any old events here, we’re talking Gacha, which is extremely popular in Second Life. This is demonstrated by the fact that the two regions are often full and hard to enter, but I’ll come to that later.

The Arcade From The Side

The Arcade has been a big part of Second Life going back to 2012, and it’s time to give some credit to those behind it :

The Arcade was founded in September of 2012 by Second Life residents, Octagons Yazimoto, Katharine McGinnis, Emery Milneaux and Umberto Giano. Currently, the quarterly gacha event features 100 of the grid’s best designers and builders, each whom offer a collection of high-quality prizes sold at random from gacha machines within The Arcade’s build.

There’s no doubting that The Arcade delivers what it claims to be. The place is atmospheric, you do like to be beside the seaside when visiting. Linden Lab are on the ball regarding this location too as it gets a mention in their latest blog post regarding Highlights From The Destination Guide. That blog post is worth a read too as there are some other extremely interesting looking venues mentioned. Linden Lab are doing a really good job with promoting The Destination Guide.

Continue reading “The Arcade Is Open Until June 30th But Be Patient If You Want To Participate”


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