SL12B – Get Ready For The Linden Lab Sponsored Music Fest

Diamonique Viper

Sl12B is like previous Second Life birthday events full of great entertainment, you can keep an eye on all the events on the performance schedule. This year there’s an added bonus in the shape and form of Music Fest, which has been sponsored by Linden Lab.

Dancing to Dregoon Resident

Xiola Linden has posted details of the two day event, in a blog post : Rock Out at the SL12B Official Music Fest!

Over two days, we’ll feature an amazing line-up of those artists, across many genres of music, and we hope you will come join us. It’s all the fun of a music festival without the over exposure to the sun, the grueling sludge through the mud, or the long haul and long lines of those questionable public bathrooms. It’s a bring your own refreshments and get ready to dance your pixels off kind of event – check out who’s playing, then grab your ride to the festival below.

Many thanks to Doctor Gascoigne and his team of volunteers for helping finalize the details with all our performers!

The event will take place on Friday 26th June and Saturday 27th June.

LoneWolf55 Genesis

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SL12B – Oz Linden Video Available And News Of More Lindens To Meet

The Meet The Lindens interview with Oz Linden is now available and can be found here : I often embed YouTube videos but this one is an hour long and you’re better off viewing it on YouTube at that running time.

Now in my blog post about Oz’s interview I suggested that Oz had teased us with a big hint about future developments for Second Life :

What about the future you may be wondering? Well one thing is for sure, Linden Lab do not sound like they are treading water when it comes to Second Life and Oz teased the audience by suggesting that they have some new features in the pipeline for Second Life that we would genuinely not believe they would ever do.

Now if you want to get to that part, it’s just after the thirty minute mark. I would hope that a lot of you would like to listen to the full interview, I found it very interesting, others are reporting they didn’t, your mileage may vary.

Xiola Linden

Today’s meet the Lindens is once again a buy one, get one free affair. Xiola Linden, community manager extraordinaire will be there.

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SL12B – Don’t Forget About The Exhibitors

Elves Bearing Gifts

SL12B, like previous Second Life birthday celebrations, is in many ways an odd event. Odd, because unlike many events, the main focus at SL12B is on entertainment and discussion, that’s what most blog posts will be covering and that’s understandable because there’s a hell of a lot of entertainment and discussion.

However one should not forget about The Exhibitors. That link takes you to a list of exhibitors, there are a lot of them. The exhibitors are worth visiting because they demonstrate beautifully the wide array of creativity and interests that make up Second Life.

Whereas my exhibitor visits may seem a little narrow, and largely fantasy based, I am looking at other exhibits, honest! I mean I could not spend all day on Serina Juran’s Elven circle wondering if the gifts are a trap!

Medieval Fantasy Grid Crier

No, I moved on to my chief Elf’s exhibit for The Medieval Grid Crier, where you will find lots of information about medieval fantasy roleplay in Second Life.

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Oz Linden Talks Second Life At SL12B

Oz Linden Talks To Saffia

Oz Linden talked to Jessica Lyon of Firestorm Viewer fame and Saffia Widdershins, of Prim Perfect fame at SL12B this evening. Now if you want the full skinny on the lowdown, you’ll have to wait for Prim Perfect to upload the video, which should not be too far in the future. However, if you want to read some frantically scribbled notes, that may contain inaccuracies, carry on reading here.

Oz discussed current issues, past issues and future issues in what was an extremely engaging interview.

I crashed a few times whilst taking my notes, but I’ll try not to start any blasphemous rumours. However crashing is a good place to start as that was part of the discussion. Oz explained how in the past he had worked for products where a 1% crash rate was considered pretty bad, however the crash rate for Second Life is higher than that and the panel agreed that Second Life users seem to accept these crash rates.

However Oz went to great lengths to point out that Linden Lab do not accept that crash rates should be as high as they are and they have been working on improvements and continue to work on improvements.

One point that Second Life users should bear in mind is that some viewer side crashes are out of the control of Linden Lab, for example, when someone has a graphics card that suffers from a memory leak. This is an issue that the people who create the drivers need to fix, and that’s not within Linden Lab’s remit.

The wide range of hardware that Second Life residents use is of course problematic when it comes to bug fixing, but Oz gave a tip on how to improve one’s Second Life experience, it’s a tip that I heard many many moons ago in relation to Microsoft Windows. Whereas a funky new graphics card can improve your experience in Second Life, a cheaper option may well be to increase your RAM.

Oz also discussed how new features in Second Life are received by the community, some people love them, some people hate them, some people are indifferent. However, Oz pointed out that whether people are criticising or praising a new feature, the level of intensity shows that people really care about Second Life. There was also a discussion of how some features introduced by Linden Lab won’t be appreciated by everyone because they simply don’t have the hardware to take advantage of them. A glaring example here is of course materials, whereby if you can’t see the new texture types, then you won’t see the enhanced texture on your screen. The beauty of this though is that people will still see textures as they’ve always seen them.

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SL12B Up And Running

Welcome Area SL12B

Second Life’s Twelfth Birthday celebrations kicked off with a bang yesterday and it’s going to continue with bangs and booms for the rest of this week. Today’s Highlights include a live interview with Oz Linden, Linden Lab’s director of Open Development and generally considered to be the main man when it comes to Second Life these days.

Oz is based in Linden Lab’s Boston office and will be at the Auditorium at the Astound Sim at 1pm SLT.

Landing Area SL12B

Other highlights include live music, DJ’s, opportunities to meet designers, artists and much more. The agenda is packed, you can find out more by going to the main website :

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