Direct Delivery Edges Closer

I may well be about to embark on a blog frenzy! I have quite a few issues to address! However I may get bored, or want to go fishing in WoW or shoot things in Eve-Online! Where was I? Oh yes direct delivery, the new, and rather worrisome delivery method for the Second Life Marketplace.

Basically how it works now is that you load a boxed object into a magic box inworld, go to the markeptlace website and then link the item so it can be sold. Users then have to accept delivery of the item inworld, this part has always been potentially troublemsome and on the old XStreet people were warned that they shouldn’t be afk when purchasing.

The new system will do away with the latter problem, it’s likely to introduce new problems but they should be able to be ironed out if all works well. Basically it seems, we’re going to have an incoming and outgoing folder for the marketplace, if you have questions Brooke has started a thread on the official forums, here.  However it’s well worth reading the direct delivery FAQ! Really, if you’re a merchant, read that.

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Zindra User Group Meetings Still Crawling Along

If you’ve never been to the Zindra user group meeting, you won’t quite understand the issues of the people who do attend. They have issues with lack of visibility, lack of promotion, Linden Lab’s apparent fear of adult content, which is odd as Zindra is no holds barred adult, but Amanda seemed panic struck when residents asked for an adult discussion forum at the resident tools user group meetings, and we know from articles like this over at Massively, that plenty of people find the whole adult issue to be unseemly.

Yet every Monday, regulars come to try and make things happen, to me it’s like Groundhog Day there, I went months without attending these meetings but when I started to go again it was still all about a Zexpo, or an event, or who had control of a group, but to be fair to the guys who attend, they keep trying to make headway, they of course all come to see Blondin:

Blondin Linden

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Why LL Should Be Careful When Deleting History

As revealed by Tateu Nino, a number of pages have been deleted from the official Wiki, plenty of staff users pages have gone along with transcripts of office hours. Exactly what happened I don’t know, although Linden Lab are working on the wiki, deleting so much history seems rather painful to me, a geeky guy who has read plenty of old forum threads and information on Second Life from a time before I arrived here.

However what I find most disappointing is that I don’t think the guys at Linden Lab understand that people like me love reading old transcripts and forum posts, as exemplified by Rand Linden’s reply to Qie Niangao on the issue of the Wiki deletions:

Qie – I don’t believe we removed anything of historical value

Everything, absolutely everything, has historical value, whether you feel it’s worth preserving for posterity or not is another matter, but everything has historical value.

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Prim Savers Rebrands as Prim Misers

Phil Deakins has announced on the official forums that his low prim furniture store, Prim Savers, is rebranding itself as Prim Misers. Why is this of any particular interest you may ask, well it’s a cautionary tale and one that appears to be laced with disagreement, deceit and downright spitefulness. Phil has rebranded his store not because of any sort of attempt to reinvent his brand, it appears to be more of a case of his brand being in dispute with another brand and someone else being more determined to gain the legal right to use the name.

Our tale starts on a forum thread back in January 2010 where Phil explains:

As most people here know, I’ve been trading in SL as “Prim Savers” for a long time – in the low prim furniture field. Two months ago a new low prim furniture store opened up as “PrimSavers” (no space between the words). The owner claims that it’s a different business name and I disagree. Anyone got any thoughts?

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Will Mesh Finally Make A Decent Viewer 2 Sales Pitch?

KirstenLee Cinquetti, Third Party Viewer developer extraordinaire, makes an appeal on her blog for people to switch over to viewer 2:

Now comes an appeal. Things are getting to a point where I suspect mesh will very shortly arrive onto the grid along with lots of new features. I strongly believe some will appear in the next development cycle. There is one problem.. 1.23 based clients! The whole deal is being right royally hampered and delayed by the insistence in keeping this client alive.

I honestly do not care what your viewer preference may be.. But I really implore you to switch to V2 based solutions (even if this causes some pain). Firestorm, Kokua, daveP’s funk special, it does not matter, the sooner the better. See the world with my eyes!”

Viewer 2 has since its inception been given a frosty welcome, and this goes back to the closed beta period, as the leaked feedback that made its way to The Alphaville Herald revealed. The simple fact of the matter is that Viewer 2 has been unloved, will Mesh change that?

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