I may well be about to embark on a blog frenzy! I have quite a few issues to address! However I may get bored, or want to go fishing in WoW or shoot things in Eve-Online! Where was I? Oh yes direct delivery, the new, and rather worrisome delivery method for the Second Life Marketplace.
Basically how it works now is that you load a boxed object into a magic box inworld, go to the markeptlace website and then link the item so it can be sold. Users then have to accept delivery of the item inworld, this part has always been potentially troublemsome and on the old XStreet people were warned that they shouldn’t be afk when purchasing.
The new system will do away with the latter problem, it’s likely to introduce new problems but they should be able to be ironed out if all works well. Basically it seems, we’re going to have an incoming and outgoing folder for the marketplace, if you have questions Brooke has started a thread on the official forums, here. However it’s well worth reading the direct delivery FAQ! Really, if you’re a merchant, read that.