One of the beauties of Second Life is the freedom to create, it’s why the old tagline of “Your World, Your Imagination” was so wonderfully apt, and why it was disconcerting when it was removed. Some people of course don’t like creative freedom because creative freedoms lead to situations where people don’t like what others create. However one should always remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I still get excited when my scripts come to fruition and actually do what I want them to do, to me that makes it a beautiful day.
However with creative freedom also comes responsibility, which is why people aren’t free to create anything they like, there are certain items that will earn you a one way ticket to palookaville, there’s a distinctly “Don’t be Evil” subplot to these creative freedoms, hence why you get asked for permissions to do things.
Rules are of course seen in some quarters as a bad thing and being careful what you wish for is another concern, which has been exemplified by the official forums which are being rejigged again.
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