Never Mind Mesh, Trim Those Prims!

I’m playing around on my site with Google Affiliates, so things may look a bit wonky, Second Life has an affiliate program, I’ve signed up to the Linkshare deal on another blog of mine, I didn’t realise they’d started a Google affiliate program until I saw a post from Inara Pey that mentioned it, you need to get approved all over again so I don’t know how that will work out. Inara’s post also pointed out a very useful community resources portal too, which has plenty of information for communities. Linden Lab are posting lots of information on the forum and Wiki, I just wish more of it was being promoted via the blog.

However the blog is being used and today it annouced the Mesh rollout. I’ve played with some very basic Mesh creations and it’s not easy to get into, but for the patient it will be worth the effort. Full perm mesh objects are appearing for those who don’t have the patience but even then, you’re going to need to get your head around UV Mapping if you want to get into textures, although items that can be textured will in some cases come with a UV Map for you to texture. There are limitations on who can upload Mesh, although this is where full perm Mesh creations will get into that market, which may raise a few questions but anyway.

If Mesh seems all a bit overwhelming, there is something far more simple to get your head around, big prims!

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New Region Setting To Allow Or Disable Mesh Creation

Happy days are here again, Aston Villa are top of the league for at least few more hours until the Sunday games are over, order is restored with the greatest team the world has ever seen at the top of English football, as they should be! I enjoyed my afternoon at Villa Park today and shall shortly be off to watch match of the day to relive it. However this has nothing to do with Second Life, Mesh however does have something to do with Second Life so let’s talk about that and the new region setting to allow Mesh on your sim or not.

If you are using a Mesh enabled viewer, such as Second Life beta 3.01, and if you’re on a sim that is on a channel that supports Mesh, and if you’re an estate owner (a lot of ands there) then you can get to a screen like this:

mesh estate settings

The only problem is, it doesn’t work!

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NPC’S, Blog Comments And Pictures, Oh My!

Good grief what in the name of all things holy is going on, the official blog is allowing comments, this won’t end well! Such has been the sorry state of affairs with the official blog that I’d largely stopped looking there for information and it’s still not a good place for information, however they have unveiled a some interesting concepts, blog posts about resident blogs, such as this post about Honour McMillan’s post about Raven’s Mist, then there are posts about places, such as this one about The Crossword Gallery and they have also been running these flickr pic of the day posts, it would be better if they tagged them all but still, there’s life being breathed into the blog.

However when it comes to information and news, that’s still thin on the ground, Hamlet Au to the rescue then with a couple of interesting posts, one about content speciality roles and one about the product team. There are some potentially exciting developments here, but there’s also going to be an issue of communication and it’s not really clear what channels are going to be open here.

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SLCC On The Future Of Second Life Commerce

I haven’t been following SLCC at all this year, it all seemed a lot lower key than in past years, although maybe I just wasn’t paying attention and we do have to remember that it’s a community convention not a Linden Lab convention. Inara Pey has covered Rodvik’s speech here where Inara covers the general gist and here, where Delicia Whipsnaps questions what was meant by Linden Lab diversifiyng, I haven’t got around to listening to his speech yet but Rodvik generally comes across very well when talking of Second Life.

However there were further talks regarding commerce in Second Life, with Brooke Linden and Thor Linden at the fore on commerce and advertising, with Collosus making an appearance too. The presentation can be listened to here, at Ustream, I guess if you’re lucky you can watch it too but the video froze for me, although I could listen to the talk. First up, some comedy gold when I went to that page came in the shape and form of the advert on that page:

The Future Of Second Life Commerce

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Fixed Teleport Routing Should Be Used Sparingly

Teleport routing, a parcel setting that allows you to decide whether people who use landmarks arrive at a set point or anywhere (or blocked if you so deem it fit) should be used sensibly and when it comes to setting teleport routing to a landing point, it’s a bit of an annoyance.

Why would someone want teleport routing to be set to the landing point? Well they may have a build in the sky, or they may have private tenants inside a building, or they may want you to see a build from the start rather than arriving halfway through it and missing the experince, some builds are experiences that require you start at the beginning, they may want you to read the rules before entering the parcel, so there are a number of uses for this setting.

However when it comes to public sims with no start or end, or stores, setting teleport routing to the landing point can be frustrating because you can’t share a landmark with someone else and tell them to look at what’s at point x, because the landmark takes them to point y. However when it comes to ground level stores …… why do people do this?

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