The Guardian informs us that SOPA is to be shelved. However, we don’t all live happily ever after here, I’m sure that just when we feel it’s safe to go back into the water we’ll see SOPA 2 – The Return Of The Bad Bill. There’s still the little matter of the e-parasite act.
SOPA falls squarely into the be careful what you wish for category. On the face of it a bill that aims to stop online piracy should be one that business and people get behind. When I go to YouTube to listen to music or find a track I want to embed into a blog post, I’d rather it was one that ticks the right boxes, being on YouTube is no guarantee that it does of course, plenty of uploads get taken down or silenced.
However SOPA simply goes too far, which is why there was widespread criticism of it. The bizarre exchange between Rupert Murdoch and Google shows how polarised opinions can get on the issue, but Google rebuff Rupert Murdoch’s claims in an article on CNET. In that article Google point out that they removed five million infringing websites from their search results last year alone, it’s not in Google’s interests to be associated with pirated content.