Proposed Online Status Fix Will Break Content

This is a difficult one, over at SLUniverse Bronxelf has posted that Linden Lab are going to fix an issue that allows people to find out someone else’s online status, this is detailed in Jira SVC-4823. I agree that someone’s online status should be what the person themself set it to, so if you set your setting to friends and groups only, that’s what should be respected. People would like to see this go further and have an invisible to everyone option, currently you seem to need to do this individually for your friends, but we’re looking at the privacy settings in preferences such as this:

Image For Privacy Settings Should go here
Privacy Settings

The simple fact of the matter is that your privacy settings can easily be made useless by some simple scripting and people, rightly don’t like this. I agree with Bronxelf on this issue, the settings should be resepected, if you want to appear invisible, you should. Linden Lab agree too, but the solution is now creating a great deal of gnashing of teeth, because the solution will break content if Linden Lab go ahead with it, they might not yet go ahead with it.

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New TPV Policy Raises Innovation Concerns

Changes to the Third Party Viewer Policy have been announced and they are contentious. Crap Mariner has a post with links to other blogs with good discussion on the issue. The most startling issue for me is whether this will hit innovation, as @SecondLife so well puts it:

BREAKING NEWS: Linden Lab changes Third Party Viewer Policy to ensure that all viewers suck as much as their own.”

The part of the policy that leads to these concerns is :

2.k : You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer.

Exactly what this means is where matters get vague, however in the recorded meeting, which is long but you can listen to here, Oz suggested that Parcel Windlight settings and avatar physics, which were initially exclusive to third party viewers, would be forbidden under the new policy.

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Blender 2.62 Now With Second Life Compatibility Option For Exporting Armatures

Back in January I reported that there was talk of Blender dropping support for Collada. This was a tad concerning but as I pointed out at the time, not the end of the world. Collada is the format used to get Mesh into Second Life, so in Second Life terms it was important but you can happily use older versions of Blender to create content. Blender 2.62 hasn’t ended this discussion, but Collada support is not only still there, there’s now a mention of Second Life with the addition of a compatibility option for exporting armatures, which you can read about here.

There is also a mention of the issues with Collada and Blender there too:

There has been much discussion about the state of the Collada integration, it’s not currently working very reliable yet, and this needs to be solved somehow. A new team now started working to improve Collada support to get it more useful for integration with external tools and game engines, improving the existing OpenCollada based I/O module.

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Angus is Free!

In my last post I highlighted the plight of AngusGraham Ceawlin, unable to login without crashing, but the good news is that Angus is free! Amanda Dallin made a comment on my previous post that Angus is free so I went and checked out Jira SVC-7653 where Angus shared the good news!

This just in today A comment has been added to your Case..

Angus is FREE to roam the main grid!!!!!!

Case: 01298190 Avatar: AngusGraham Ceawlin Type: Inventory (un-rezzed) Issues Status: Waiting for Customer Acceptance Hello AngusGraham,

Thank you for your patience, I have been told that we are ready to proceed and have run a script on your account that will require you to please log in with this resident, clear cache and then relog.

Please do this and then let me know if any problems persist.

Thank you,

Izzy Linden

Thank you to the Linden that finished the job to get me on the main grid after 63 days

Thank you to Whirly and Nicky who got me on the Beta grid and Pointed the way to my fix in 3 days

Thank you to Pasplund resident who worked the system and got this big wheel turning

Thank you to everyone who watched this issue and supported its being fixed and assisting in getting the atteniton

I am ever Greatful

AngusGraham Ceawlin

Continue reading “Angus is Free!”

Free Angus!

Angus Campaign Photo
Free Angus!

This is a tale of woe, a story of amazing patience, a tale to warm the cockles of your heart, well except that there is of yet no happy ending. This is the story of AngusGraham Ceawlin and his adventures of trying to get his account restored to working order, which is allegedly now a two month long tale. The story can be largely tracked via Jira SVC-7653 where Angus informs us:

Complete Show Stopper.Tried Several different viewers on several different computers. Can only log into SL for a seconds. Crashes at near the end of world loading, at that point I get a program not responding error. Izzy Linden said I should post on here in hopes that some dev. will pick up my project. I was told that this is a result of jira(CHOP-839) which is confidential. If someone is interested in this please contact AngusGraham Ceawlin (hopefully i will recieve email)or CliveMcroy Resident (also me) inworld. thank you.”

Continue reading “Free Angus!”


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