Facebook Pages Can Be Useful

Via Hamlet Au over at New World Notes, there’s a link to a post from Strawberry Singh on using  Facebook pages to promote your Second Life brand. The good thing about Facebook pages is that you aren’t breaking the Facebook Terms of Service by having a Facebook page for your Second Life avatar, or your Second Life brand.

The thing I found even better about Facebook pages is that you don’t need to have a Facebook profile to create a Facebook page, you will still need to provide an email address and you will need this for logging in but you don’t need to have a Facebook profile, so when Facebook has a burp and sets your privacy settings to something you weren’t expecting, it won’t be an issue. That is unless Facebook have changed that now, but I created pages on Facebook without needing a main Facebook profile.

Google + on the other hand requires you to have a Google + profile to create pages, so it’s a bit different but Google + largely seem more relaxed on the names you use than Facebook are.

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Steller Sunshine And Philip Linden Turn 10!

Second Life has many landmarks and I don’t mean the ones you put in your inventory, ok we’lll include them too! However a big one was reached yesterday, prompted by a post earlier in the month from Hamlet Au, Steller Sunshine has now reached the grand old age of ten, according to Steller’s profile anyway which has a birthdate of 13th March 2002! Steller Sunshine is considered to be the first official non Linden resident to grace the grid.

According to Hamlet, Steller is from South California, a web designer and a mother of four. Steller’s official birthdate makes her an older resident than Philip Linden whose official birthdate was 14th March 2002! Which means Philip’s avatar officially turns 10 today, so he should be promising us something, instead of his new venture over at I Promise Philip where people are promising to meet goals or pay Philip money! Beer and Cake will do!

According to Second Life Wikia Steller created a beanstalk, which Hamlet Au told us back in 2008 ,was SL’s first instance of user created content, Steller is also credited with creating a treehouse and the Governor’s mansion, is this true? The Governor’s mansion? The mansion of the mysterious Governor Linden? Governor Linden didn’t arrive until September 2002 so is a noob compared to Steller and Philip and rumour has it Governor Linden is a bit like Doctor Who in having many guises.

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Direct Delivery Launching March 21st

Hold onto your hats, Commerce Team Linden (AKA CTL) has announced in the official forum that Direct Delivery will be launching on March 21st. CTL informs us:

Beginning on March 21, purchases on the Marketplace using Direct Delivery will go directly to recipient’s Received Items folder. The Received Items folder will NOT be used for other inventory transfers at this time. Magic Box purchases will continue to go to the Objects folder.

At launch, we will be sharing additional details as well as updated Knowledge Base articles in all four languages supported on the Marketplace. We will also provide more details on migration.

CTL further adds:

The Direct Delivery launch does NOT include sending items besides Direct Delivery items to the Received Items folder. Changes to send additional items to the Received Items folder are currently on hold.

Hopefully we’ll see explanations in four languages and a blog post … yes?

Continue reading “Direct Delivery Launching March 21st”

LL To Fix Offline Delivery Issue?

I’m getting too old for this all day drinking malarkey, after a weekend of excess I feel like I am running on empty. Don’t drink alcohol kids, it’s not good for you! Anyway, the show must go on. Today’s episode looks at the new proposal for Received Items functionality. Inara Pey has a good post about it, which you can read here. There’s also a thread in the official forums, which you can read here. The feedback is still very meh and I still have concerns about the whole issue but there is one striking part to this new proposal:

We are aware of the concern with sending all items to the root of the Received Items folder. Some of you suggested that if we fixed the offline delivery problem, you would be amenable to the Received Items folder. So that is what we are going to do. Objects will be sent to the Received Items folder EVEN WHEN THE RESIDENT IS OFFLINE and the Resident will be notified via IM. The objects will be sent even if the IM fails to deliver because of the IM cap.

Wait wait, they’re going to fix the offline delivery issue? This is a big fix, but it seems to be being overlooked.

Continue reading “LL To Fix Offline Delivery Issue?”


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