Fantasy Faire 2012 – Press Release

Image For Fantasy Faire 2012 Poster Should Be Here
Fantasy Faire 2012

Information is now appearing about Fantasy Faire 2012, this post will reveal more information, including a press release. This will give you an overview of the event, whom to contact, where to read more including websites, Plurk and contact details regarding those who are involved in organising this great event.

I have been handed a press release by my chief Elf, which I will share with you below the cut, if you’re already below the cut, you won’t see a cut, just read on!

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Fantasy Faire 2012 – The Sims

Image For Fantasy Faire 2012 Should Be Here
Fantasy Faire 2012

Fantasy Faire 2012 is on its way and I’m about to unleash some information, and copy stuff from press releases and their blog! Hurrah! Even if you’re not into fantasy roleplaying, this is a superb event, last year there was fun, games, live music and fabulous events along with beautiful scenery and it’s all for a good cause too, last year’s event raised a very impressive USD$26,917 for Relay For Life, which was a Fantasy Faire record.

This year the event will run between April 21st – 29th, but let’s get the ball rolling with some posts on what has been announced so far. I’ll start with reposting the blog post from the official site about the sims that will be at this year’s event, you can read the original blog post here.

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WordPress Commenting Issue Demonstrates Poor Communication

Here’s an example of how not to do things. WordPress recently updated their commenting system on so that you need to be logged in to comment with a WordPress account. This sounds sensible right, I mean this is how blogger works. However WordPress seem to have missed some important steps in their process, the first being telling their users in a sensible fashion.

The thing is many people comment on WordPress sites, without even realising they’re on and those people use Gravatars. Plenty of people don’t realise that their Gravatar is their account because they’ve never thought of it that way before, with Gravatar having its own site and all that. So what has been happening over the last few days is that people go to a site hosted on and then get told they need to login to post with that account, because the email address is linked to their gravatar, but, there’s no bloody obvious way of logging in and many people don’t get the link between Gravatars and WordPress accounts, they are one and the same in many cases.

I myself ran into this problem whilst trying to post on Inara Pey’s blog. The workaround was to post without using the email address linked to my Gravatar. However, as can been seen from this forum thread on the WordPress forums, a lot of people are confused as to what the bloody hell is going on. Talk about poor design, implementation and communication.

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A-Wimoweh A-Wimoweh A-Wimoweh A-Wimoweh A-Wimoweh A-Wimoweh

Linden Lab have decided to send us for just one more for this desolate shore … oh wait, that’s night boat to Cairo! Now they’re sending us deep into the jungle and as we’re not celebrities, we can’t get out of there! Indeed if you journey around you’ll even find Lindens who are driven to drink, as Michael Linden appeared to be anyway!

Michael Linden

Maybe Michael was just offering happy hour discounts on Mole beer! The problem with that is that if you’re not a premium member, you won’t be able to enjoy this adventure, as detailed in the blog post, which you can read here. However if you fancy trying out premium membership, there’s currently a 50% discount on the quarterly plan, which is also detailed in the blog post. The offer runs until Monday March 26th.

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Tyche Shepherd’s Awesome Mainland Census – March 2012

Tyche “Statto” Shepherd, who was recently interviewed by Hamlet Au over at New World Notes, has unveiled her latest work in the shape and form of her March Mainland Census, which you can read in full over at SLUniverse by clicking here.

The census tells us that mainland regions have stabilised since December and remain at 6,723, this is still a record figure but it’s the same figure from the December census.  This figure excludes Linden owned regions such as help islands and Linden realms, which in themself amount to a figure of around 500.

The census reveals good and bad news, the good news is that ownership of parcels is up, by 0.2%, this means that more unique avatars own land than the previous census. The figures Tyche gives us reveal that this amounts to 68,485 unique owners, with individual parcel owners at 56,660, up 163 from December’s census, whereas 12,825 groups own land, down 14 since December.

However on the bad news side, abandoned land is now at record levels, of between 7.2 – 8.3% of mainland abandoned. Tyche informs us that this is an equivalent of 484 to 557 full regions, which is rather shocking when you think about it but I’m not sure what Linden Lab can do about that, moving people would cause chaos and mayhem and have people searching for their pitchforks left, right and centre! The increase in abandoned land since December is estimated by Tyche to be the equivalent of 27-30 regions.

Continue reading “Tyche Shepherd’s Awesome Mainland Census – March 2012”


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