Drax Files Episode 36 – Sominel Edelman And His Creative Landscapes

Following The Signs

Episode 36 of the Linden Lab sponsored Drax Files World Makers series takes us to the creative landscapes of Sominel Edelman and his creations under his brand of Landscapes Unlimited. This episode is slightly shorter than most episodes, coming it at just under three and a half minutes, but it still manages to pack a lot in. I will embed the episode at the end of this post.

Looking at Landscape

Sominel Edelman creates landscapes for Second Life, bringing life to regions and areas of Second Life but there does seem to be a basis from his professional work with regards to Sominel’s creative art, he’s a physical geographer. This gets raised as Draxtor Despres points out that he has created Yosemite National Park landscapes and yet never visited the place in the physical world.

What is interesting about this episode is that although there is talk about virtual world representations of physical world landscapes, we also get informed about how the immersion within virtual world landscapes brings people together, with or without a head mounted display. Sominel points out that “You don’t need a fancy gadget to connect to each other“.

This is something oft missed by those who don’t inhabit virtual worlds, the power of community and connection.

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