Rome Coming To Versu But When Will Versu Come To The Android Or Second Life?

Emily Short has a teaser on her blog for a new Versu title : Coming To Versu. All the teaser contains is an image and the word “Rome“. Now as we all know, Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor was the Versu port to Android. On that blog post someone asks:

How’s the Android port coming along by the way? =)

Emily replies: “I’m afraid I’m not in a position to announce a date on that. I hear you, though.

Versu, if you’re unfamiliar with it, is Linden Lab’s interactive fiction product. There are plans to allow user generated content on the platform so it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Linden Lab don’t seem to advertise Versu that well, which is not going to surprise long term Second Life users. There’s surely scope for an official Versu blog of sorts to keep people updated. I’m also surprised that Linden Lab don’t use Second Life to promote Versu.

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Little Text People Acquisition Is Related To Product 3 Says Rodvik

Back in December Rod Humble blogged on the official blog about 2011 and the outlook for 2012, there he confirmed again that Linden Lab would be looking at other projects:

In addition to delivering new features and increasing our support for Second Life, we will be launching some completely different products next year not related to Second Life. Some of them will be very experimental, but all will fit within our company’s proud history of enabling creativity, which I hope may interest some of you.

As I said in my previous post, the purchase of Little Text People is the first clear sign to outsiders that the Lab are developing other products, but the nature of the product has taken some by surprise. Hamlet Au on his blog post on the subject said:

This acquisition is probably the source of the rumors last year that Linden Lab is developing adventure games, which Linden CEO Rod Humble denied at the time. But yesterday’s announcement strongly suggests something like adventure games are being made by Linden Lab (broadly defined as interactive fiction.)

Rod Humble himself has commented to point out that the rumours last year were incorrect, that this is a different product and that the Little Text People purchased is related to the bland sounding, but still mysterious Product 3, the product that was talked about last year is the bland sounding, but still mysterious, Product 2!

Continue reading “Little Text People Acquisition Is Related To Product 3 Says Rodvik”


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