Batten Down The Hatches

They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity and this will be tested with regards to Second Life this week when the BBC2 documentaty “Virtual Adultery and cyberspace love” is aired.

The Beeb is of course the bastion of no advertising (Other than its own stuff) and worth every single penny of the licence fee to stop it denigrating into the awful crap that is aired on its main commercial rival ITV. However sometimes they can’t avoid giving a backward plug to the product and no matter how bad this documentary is, someone is going to take a peek into Second Life on the back of it.

The premise of the documentary is regarding people spending too much time online and falling in love with people they’ve never met, even though they themselves are married. People who spend upto eighteen hours a day online will be featured and a woman who travels thousands of miles to meet her Second Life partner, leaving behind her existing family. Continue reading “Batten Down The Hatches”


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