Dynamic Login Screens and Basic Mode Needs Inventory

I haven’t spent much time Second Life this weekend, nor in Second Life related sites, since Thursday I’ve been busily trolling Liberal Democrat websites to laugh as they wallow in their own misery, this isn’t strictly true, they just make it too easy not to laugh at them but I have been offering them supportive advice, much as I dislike Toxic Nick Clegg, I do like three party politics in the UK, the Lib Dems need to move away from being Tory Lite and more to being a left of centre social democratic party, which worked a treat for the SNP in Scotland.

However there’s only so much fun one person can have with politics, it gets boring really quickly, so let’s get back to Second Life and the rather delightful sight of blog updates and promotions on the new dynamic login screen:

Second Life Login Screen

Second Life Login Screen

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