Direct Delivery Goes Beta!

Errr …. Errr what can I say! CommerceTeam Linden must have been hitting me with psychic rays and realised I was blogging about the lack of information about Direct Delivery! Around the time I was proof reading my blog post, the mysterious figure of CommerceTeam Linden posted in the merchants forum that Direct Delivery is going beta! I’ve now decided that CommerceTeam Linden wears a cape, with a hood … and possibly has red eyes. I did contemplate editing my previous post, but I’ve decided that some of the points are still valid and it will stay!

Anyway, on with the information, thank goodness there’s information. First of all, check out the instructions page. Read this carefully, especially if you’re a merchant as you’ll need to download the special project viewer if you want to test listing items.

Merchants should also be aware that there’s a special beta version of the marketplace that you’ll need to login to, which you can find here. This was definitely closed earlier this evening, I swear!

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Just What On Earth Is Happening With Direct Delivery?

Direct Delivery, the much anticipated new feature from the marketplace, is still in development. Well I say much anticipated, it has been that long since there’s been any real public announcements about it that many people have probably forgotten about it. However that brings us back to Linden Lab and communication.

Direct Delivery, for those whom aren’t familiar with it, is a feature that will remove the need to have a magic box inworld to sell items on the Second Life Marketplace. Instead of having a magic box, merchants will be able to store items in a special system folder in their inventory and customers will receive items in a special system folder in their inventory.

There will be some politics about this, namely that it further undermines the inworld land market, but Linden Lab seem to love the Marketplace, despite the glaring potential for it to undermine their own land product. However that’s a different discussion for a different day.

Now there is some information about Direct Delivery, on the Wiki there’s an FAQ. The FAQ informs us that Direct Delivery will be going beta on Aditi (Beta Grid) for all merchants in December … did this actually happen?

Continue reading “Just What On Earth Is Happening With Direct Delivery?”

2012 Is The Year For Linden Lab To Shout To The Top

The year generally doesn’t start well, January, sick and tired you’ve been hanging on me and then we head into February, which is like a month of bloody Tuesdays. Then finally we hit March and find ourselves heading towards full technicolour at long last.

However Second Life isn’t like that, it’s not cold in Second Life, which is just as well as I’ve just concluded a land deal with a Pixie clad in stockings. Oh ho ho it’s magic, you know, never believe it’s not so. However I do have some hopes for the new year, one is that Linden Lab start bloody well talking to us again, they have been way too quiet.

2011 brought us Mesh, a new prim counting system that has an impact on all users due to additional physics shapes such as convex hull, Land Impact replacing object counts on land in newer viewers and from Linden Lab, officially, via their blog, we heard nothing. The Harpo speaks routine when Linden Lab eventually do announce something doesn’t really cut the mustard.

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1920’s Berlin Starts To Embrace Mesh

A few days ago I blogged about Mesh adoption and used 1920’s Berlin as an example of a sim that wasn’t currently allowing Mesh, the reasons for which had been detailed in a blog post, which can be read here. 1920’s Berlin sim owner and driving force Frau (Jo) Yardley has been stating that the stance was not an anti Mesh stance, but merely a no Mesh yet stance, Frau Yardley made this point in the original blog post and in comments, including in my original blog post.

However, now that we have hit the new year, 1920’s Berlin is moving towards mesh adoption, slowly but surely, as they enter 1929 in their story, a new blog post has appeared saying that Mesh is coming, which can be read here.  Two of the main reasons cited are that Mesh is already on the grid and that Mesh can save prims.

Frau Yardley writes: “To show you how Mesh will look in Berlin I have just placed our very first Mesh object in berlin. Go visit our old deaf Cordelia, behind Alexanderplatz Bahnhof. You know her old street organ that she has been playing for ages. I have put a Mesh version right next to it. Look at the quality and how many prims it uses, 18 vs 3! That should make clear why we really have to move on to Mesh!

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Mesh Clothing Parametric Deformer Goes Alpha

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone.

The Mesh Clothing Parametric Deformer project has now reached an alpha release. At the end of yesterday’s MetaReality Podcast the news was broke that it would be released tomorrow .. which is today! Warning, the MetaReality podcast was live and the podcast posted is uncensored, I haven’t listend to it all yet so it may contain naughty words. A video has been released to show the code in action and to point out that it’s not finished:

This project is to make mesh clothing in Second Life more viable, the problem so far with Mesh clothing has been getting it to fit. This project goes some way to addressing that.

Continue reading “Mesh Clothing Parametric Deformer Goes Alpha”


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