“This doesn’t mean there’s been no impact, or that Linden Lab should not revise its ToS to be more fair and transparent — in my opinion, it should — however, it’s also worth keeping this data in mind. Because having consulted for Linden Lab many years ago, I can make a educated guess at what they’re thinking right now:
They see a few thousand people (at best) making complaints, while several hundred thousand continue on as usual. And from their perspective, they’re probably wondering how genuinely controversial the controversy really is.” Hamlet Au in a blog post on New World Notes: Despite Second Life’s Draconian Terms of Service Change, SL User Activity Growing Strongly Since Then
The above quote is from a blog post where Hamlet Au explains that concurrency in Second Life has risen since the TOS changes. Below the article in the comments people point out that this is probably the traditional recovery from the summer slump. However whether it shows the TOS changes aren’t having a negative impact in terms of concurrency or not, it really exemplifies how Linden Lab have lost control of the conversation, we’re back to the speculation nation.
I’ve been a long time critic of Linden Lab’s lack of communication with the community. The TOS issue has really highlighted how much of a pickle a company can get itself in when it does not communicate well. Having read numerous blog and forum posts, as well as looking into old TOS I’m now firmly of the opinion that Linden Lab come in peace. I believe that they wanted a unified TOS and decided the terms of Desura made the best fit for parts of a TOS that covers pretty much all of Linden Lab’s products.
The problem Linden Lab have faced from the Second Life community is that Second Life users are reading this as a TOS aimed at Second Life only. This has caused people to speculate that Second Life is going to be sold, that Linden Lab want to sell Second Life content anywhere they like and that Linden Lab are making underhanded moves. If Linden Lab’s intent was to sell Second Life, they’d have been better off leaving the TOS as it was and allowing the new people to change it, bringing it under the unified TOS suggests to me they have no intention of selling.
However as I said, the lack of communication from Linden Lab has allowed this sort of speculation to grow. They’ve also put themselves in a position whereby other virtual worlds, such as Cloud Party, have been able to make tongue in cheek blog posts giving them a bit of a ribbing and stating how they respect content creators.
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